Chapter Nine

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Never let a vampire organise your hen party. Not when I know Demie more than Drella yet she insists she knows how to throw the best party. For some reason I knew this wasn’t going to be good, when would we tell her that she would be turned minutes after saying “I do”? I don’t think she’ll take that very well. Considering we didn’t get a party anyway, and her wedding was at 8pm tomorrow night. Stupid vampires and their nocturnal habits. The first half would be ok, I wasn’t looking forward to the second part, but hopefully we would find Elliot and get to go home as soon as possible.

“Leila?” The Queen asked, shaking me softly from my little daydream. I blinked a few times as she turned me towards Demie. She had a long white dress on with lace and ruffles, and intricate black details along the bottom of the dress. I smiled and nearly teared up. She looked beautiful, like a Princess already. The top of the dress was covered with diamonds and it fitted her slender figure perfectly. She had a tiny white flower pinning back her hair. She looked at us both with a smile and I nodded fast, the Queen smiled also. “You look beautiful, Demie” she added.

“You really do, like a Princess already. It really suits you” I smiled, and she blushed and looked down away from our gazes. I handed her the friendship bracelet I had given her when I was five and she slipped it on, hugging me. “Promise to wear this tomorrow, for me?” I asked and she nodded, sniffing slightly. I pulled away and rubbed her cheek. “Don’t cry”

“Do you think I’ll make a good wife?” she asked, slightly smiling. However she seemed more nervous than scared. I nodded fast and the Queen agreed, taking her hands. She looked down and shivered slightly before Saffie helped her into the changing room to help her get the dress off. I sat down again and rubbed my wrist, the bandage was still hurting and the bite was swollen. The Queen looked at me confused and carefully unravelled the cloth but I stopped her by pulling my arm back.

“Don’t. I just caught it on the side of my bed, that’s it.” I lied, pulling my sleeve down to cover the colourless bandage. She sighed and took my arm again, this time pulling the bandage off. I looked at the wound as black pulsed out and shut my eyes as the Queen sighed and looked down at it then up at me. She knew I was lying.

“Leila. I know you’ve been there. You need to know sooner or later why that world even exists. When I was younger, I had two brothers in the human world; I was human like you once. I was a model, my eldest brother was a mechanic and my younger brother worked in a kitchen. Then one night Ash drank from me, claiming me in a way. My younger brother went berserk and after we got married he tried to kill him. He was going out with a witch at the time and she got angry that he always ignored her, so she and I agreed to trap him in a parallel dimension. That’s where the Mistshashi came from. Drained of all life and colour. Since then it has been a place vampires get banished to, like a prison. Every so often the door opens and you seemed to go through. My brother is the one I presume with really light blonde hair” she sighed, pointing to her hair. I nodded, I knew who he was.

“He’ll trick you, I promise. You can’t listen to him. He still holds a grudge against me and the King, and would do anything to see us both dead. You don’t have long though, he’s poisoned you” she sighed, turning my wrist over. I cringed as she pressed down on one of the bites. “You have, at the most, two weeks before the poison kills you. You have two choices: kill my brother, or kill everyone here. There is no way to get home now you’re poisoned. I’m sorry. You might have to go back to get him to take it out, I doubt he will though” she sighed, taking my hands in hers as Demie walked out. I blinked as the mirror behind her cracked again but only I could see it, because I was the only person who’d been there and came back. I stepped in front of it and then ran through it, landing on the black carpet again.

The Queen’s brother, whose name was Snow as I found out (matched his hair well), was smiling from above me. I gulped and sat up but he pushed me down again and sniffed me. “Eugh, you smell of Sol” he groaned, pinching his nose and laughing. I assumed Sol was his sister and the Queen. It was fitting, as her hair did glow like the sun. I cringed as he flashed his fangs at me and punched straight across his cheek, standing up. He stood up and faced me, brushing a hand against my neck. “Watch your actions” he growled, his eyes flaring red.

“The Queen told me why you’re here” I explained, looking at him. “You tried to kill her and the King, why should I do that for you? I can’t believe I trusted you!” I growled, on the verge of tears but I managed to keep them back. He stepped forward and I stepped back in response, but I hit one of his friends who held be there.

“She’s lying because she knows how strong you are, that you have the potential needed to finally wipe out that corrupt royal family. You can trust me, and I know she’s probably said I poisoned you but she’s just paranoid. The bite’s healed if you look at it” he shrugged as the bandage dropped from around my wrist. I looked at my arm, trying to point out where the bite had been, but there was no sign at all. I looked back up at him. “You’ve got more chance of living in safety with everyone back in your own world if you trust me. I should know, I lived there far longer. See I used to be a slayer for a while, but I had to give up when they put me on trial. My punishment was eternal imprisonment. I didn’t understand what they meant, until they chained me up and slowly drained me of blood. Every day they would make me drink venom and it was killing me from the inside out.”

I took a deep breath in as he looked like he was going to cry. He nodded to the guy holding me who sat me down on the black velvet sofa. He sat in the chair opposite me. He leant forward and rested his head in his hands before taking a deep breath in. He looked up at me as I looked at him in confusion. Who was I meant to believe?

“Three years they kept me chained up, living off a liquid that burned every time I was forced to drink it. Three years. After that my ex visited me and she looked less than happy. She cursed me and the next venom I had to drink. Without knowing anything was wrong with it, I drank it like I did every day. Then I started feeling worse than usual. Every time I breathed in it felt like my chest was going to crack, so I stopped. I woke up like this” he gestured towards himself. “A vampire, I should’ve known. Then they made up this story about how I’d tried to kill them when I didn’t, and banished me here. I was starved; they eventually started banishing humans here. Innocent ones. I had no choice but to drink from them, but I didn’t let them die because I wasn’t a killer. That’s where these guys came from” he sighed, pointing to his friends outside.

I can’t believe they did that. Everyone around me was telling me different stories, and I had no clue who was telling the truth. By the way Snow started crying and I had to comfort him, I had a gut feeling it was him. He sobbed into me. “I’m such a monster” he sniffed, wiping his cheeks furiously. I shook my head and brushed his hair back and wiped the last few silver tears.

“No you’re not; none of this is your fault. Don’t worry” I sighed, looking up at him. He looked down and held my hands in his, looking up at me again. I looked at him wondering what he was doing, but I just let him instead of asking questions. He smiled and his eyes turned deep silver, I blinked at the change. His fangs shortened until they were just longer than his normal teeth and he looked a lot less scary than when I first met him. He shook his hair and it turned to a more honey colour, and his cheeks flushed with colour. His eyes were the last thing to change back, eventually turning to a light green. “What just happened?” I asked, looking at him.

“We get one day every ten years where we can turn back to normal and do whatever we want, go back home. I hear your friend is getting married?” he smiled softly and I may have blushed slightly but that was purely coincidental. I nodded fast and stood up. I was here longer than I thought and it was now 4pm on the day of the wedding. I looked down as a white mist surrounded me and my jeans and t-shirt turned into a deep blue dress with a purple belt hugging above my hips. I blinked and looked in the mirror. For once I looked ok! I was shocked that I’d never wear a dress but here I was with one on. “I was thinking we could go together?” he asked, smiling.

He’s cute, more than cute, HE’S HOT

“S-sure” I smiled as he pulled his jacket on which was now dark green, and took my hand. We both jumped through the mirror as it cracked white light. I swallowed and held his arm tight as we landed in a heap in the bathroom. I laughed and pushed him off me before standing up and brushing my dress down.”Just in time” I smiled. He was looking at me still, a slight smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me closer. He kissed me quickly before we made our way down to the front garden where the wedding was going to take place.

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