Chapter Eight

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“Everything will be fine” Damien sighed, holding an arm around me and messing with my hair. I nuzzled into him as we watched the apocalyptic world from the balcony. With a sigh I faced him, and he stroked my sooty cheek with the back of his hand. He rescued me from the fire yet I didn’t see him as my hero. He was still a monster. His eyes filled with sorrow as he searched my feelings and found fear and horror, and they turned a deep purple blue. “I promise everything will get better” he said with another sigh, laying me in his lap.

“This is all my fault, I should be out there fighting amongst the dead bodies of my friends” I sighed, gesturing towards the fight at the horizon. All the slayers were dead and so were most of the vampires. I held my stomach and looked up at the bleeding sky, and then reached for Damien’s hands as it started to rain. It hit my face but it was boiling, and he covered my face with his jacket. His skin flared up under the boiling rain and there were screams from the fight. It wouldn’t stop, a war that would go on forever.

“Watch” he sighed, and I leaned over the balcony, watching as survivors walked to us. Most limped and looked pretty badly injured. My eyes filled with tears as I watched only ten people walk to us. There had to be thousands in that fight and only ten people survived. I heard crying and looked down. Demie was staggering towards us holding a dead Carter in her arms, both of them covered in blood. Her tears were streaked with it. There was a child no older than five there also, holding the hand of a vampire who had a large piece of wood protruding from his side. There were also a group of three people holding the middle one up, as one of her legs was badly injured and looked like it had been blown up. I tried not to cry. There were two of the vampires banished also, Elliot and a badly scarred and bloody human boy.

I grabbed all the bandages I had in the room and pulled Damien downstairs, opening the door for them. I led them into the hall which was now half blown up and there was rubble and wood everywhere, but it would do. Anywhere would. Everybody slumped down in random safe places and Damien helped Demie break away from Carter’s body. The scene almost played out in silence as I made my way around, writing a list of the survivors, what they were, how they got out and those they want to remember. I finally made my way to the last person, Elliot. He was wiping the blood from his glasses and his jaw was ripped. You could see his teeth through the gaping hole in his cheek. I teared up and put his glasses on so he could see. His shirt was ripped and covered in blood and shell burns.

“Elliot I’m so sorry” I managed to stutter out, before blubbing like I always did. He looked up at me with no expression on his face and then quickly looked down again, picking at a rip in his jeans. There was a large cut there and it looked infected because it had swollen tremendously. I pressed down on it softly but he hissed and I let go, seeing that the wound had oozed a lot from the pressure I put on it. I bandaged it up, lifting his leg up slightly as I wrapped it around. “Look, I know you hate me, but get over yourself, we’re the only people left.”

“Do you even know what we’ve been through?” he replied quietly, almost in a whisper, looking around at everyone. “We struggled through bombs, staking, guns, knives, explosions, poison gas and mutilation. While you and Damien hid out here in safety. Everyone I cared about has just died, and I saw most of them die. I had to hold their hands, pretending that everything would be ok. Everything isn’t though, is it? There used to be 10 million people across our two worlds, now there are 12” he said through tears, aiming hate straight at me like a bullet.

One of the vampires from the Mistshashi stood up and swallowed, holding a gun at Elliot. I screamed and pushed him back but he wouldn’t stop staring at him. “STOP IT!” I yelled. “WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO GET ALONG!” I yelled again, slapping his jaw hard. I think I broke it. He looked at me for a second before sending a spiked wooden/silver bullet straight into Elliot’s chest. Damien pinned the vampire back and I ran towards Elliot, trying to pick the bullet out. Every gouge I made in attempts to pry the bullet out failed, more blood just poured out.

“It’s too late” he groaned, showing the heavy blood coming from his chest. He coughed it up as well. “I’m sorry I was so pathetic, and never good enough for you. I l-love” he whispered, and then his head rolled onto his shoulder as his eyes shut tight; probably shut for the last time. I screamed and sobbed heavily but Damien dragged me away from him, no matter how much I kicked or punched or flailed in his arms. The little girl looked through the rubble and found the body one of the servants. She sobbed into it.

Demie finally stood up and wiped her eyes, looking up at us. Her eyes hit me the most because they were so red from the amount she’d cried. “We should just kill ourselves so everything can have a fresh start, instead of picking up pieces like us. We’re just anomalies now, we shouldn’t be here” she sighed, looking as though she’d lost all hope. We all had but we knew that we had to stay strong. She hadn’t got a wedding ring on and she took one of the sharper pieces of wood from the rubble. My eyes widened when I realised and I looked at her with a ‘don’t you dare’ look on my face. She shrugged and plunged it through her chest and we all flinched when we heard her ribs crack. She fell to the floor and fell right next to Carter before turning to ash. I looked at Damien confused.

“Why are her ashes bright green? I’ve never seen that before and I’ve seen a lot of vampire’s ashes” I asked, kneeling by the pile. I dusted them off the stake and threw it aside. I looked at them, brushing them aside. They were all however bright green, no gold or no normal ash. I looked up at him for an answer but he looked deep in thought.

“Green. She died through a broken heart which is understandable. The fragments of red glass showed her broken humanity. The gold showed that she married into the royal family but the small amount shows she could never be Queen. The pink, small and almost invisible pieces of ash show...they show she could never have children” he sniffed, holding his head. I looked down and teared up. Maybe she knew that, she always talked to me about how much she’d wanted a family. Maybe she couldn’t take the fact she’d never have kids of her own.

The little girl had disappeared, so we had to assume that she’d died as well. That left us, but the two vampires staked themselves as well after hearing Demie’s explanation of how we weren’t meant to live. The vampire with wood in his side was just droning on about how everything would slowly get better, but a falling rock lodged the wood deeper into him and turned to ash. I tried not to cry as everyone around me slowly faded. The group of three though seemed to be holding up and pulling through, I walked over to them.

After talking, I found out their names were Helena, Tommie and Sally. Sally didn’t look very good; she was the one with the bad leg. We tried to bandage the wounds and clean them but the infection spread. She told us of the story of how she fell in love with Tommie and they set off for a better life before becoming slayers and he welled up with tears. She shut her eyes, slowly becoming cold in Tommie’s arms. We placed her lifeless body next to that of Carter and Elliot.

Tommie looked distraught but he assured us he was fine. “We got it easy I guess, we hid out until it was over. Then when we were running to the car we got hit with a grenade. We saw a group walking here so we joined you” he explained. “I have to stay strong for her” he smiled, giving us all a little bit of hope in this bleak ending. I looked at Elliot’s body once more, how peaceful he finally looked. He always asked me that when he died if I would miss him, I always nodded and said I couldn’t live without him.

The four of us walked out of the palace and looked up at the setting sun. It was quite warm and the fighting had stopped. Us four survivors, two vampires and two humans. Me and Helena (humans) and Damien and Tommie (Vampires) out of millions of people. As we walked through what looked like a desert, we found so many bodies. It was horrible, but we managed to find a car. Tommie started it as Damien through a match towards the palace, and all of the wood caught fire. Soon the whole palace was alight. We sat in the car as it jumped into life and Damien sat next to me in the back. We drove towards the horizon, and I held Damien’s hand in my own. New life, new start. “Where are we even going?” Helena asked wearily. We all shrugged.

A small city came into view with houses and people. We all smiled at the fact we weren’t alone. Tommie’s smile dropped as the engine started to clunk and he spun out of control. A spark caused the whole car to blow up in a large red and amber fireball. The fight with no survivors.


I woke up in a cold sweat and my cheeks were wet from tears. I was panting. That was all a dream, and I was so glad. I couldn’t lose anyone, and why was I so close to Damien? Demie looked up at me from the end of my bed. “Nightmare again?”

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