Chapter Twenty Six

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I woke up to be greeted with sheer pain from the chains. The room was light and everyone was curled up asleep. I tried to sit in a more comfortable position but the chains began to put pressure on my bones, nearly breaking them. My eyes swelled with tears and I sat uncomfortably chained to this wall. I tried falling asleep but the pain was too much. Everyone could sleep peacefully while they left me like this to suffer for something I didn’t even do.

I guessed we weren’t getting food or water anytime soon.

We weren’t going to be let out in the near future.

Not until we were all very nearly dead.

A girl sat up, her face covered in tears and blood, and turned over. She looked like she had been beat up and been left to bleed to death. She must have been locked up for a long time because she was very frail and had no energy. Her bones were nearly poking through her skin. She was near starvation by the looks of it. She crawled over and slid a piece of paper to me with the bold blood red title of RULES. I read through them.

1.       No screaming

2.       No trying to escape

3.       No helping other captives with trying to escape

4.       Do not help those chained up

5.       No discussion concerning vampires

6.       No conspiring

7.       No sharing food or water

8.       No sharp weapons

She looked at me with tears also in her eyes as she eyed the chains that kept me against the wall. “I feel sorry for you, whoever you are, but I can’t help. They’ll kill me and my entire family. I’m so sorry” she sobbed, curling up in her original spot. I frowned and tried to pull away from the wall but the shear pain sent through me stopped me, and blistered my skin where the metal of the chains touched it. It sent my body temperature up instantly. “I’m so sorry” she sobbed again, crying herself to sleep.

I looked at her with a frown; she hadn’t done anything wrong yet she was crying her eyes out and was scared. Nobody should be that scared of a vampire or two, it made me wonder what they had done to these people to make them so scared. I shuddered at he thought and sat up, crying to myself as the chains began to cut through my skin. I could feel blood trickle down my arms from the cuts and I was repulsed by how vampires drank it.

I wondered how painful it was to turn and remembered how Demie was, and how worried Carter was during that time. He wouldn’t leave her side once and made sure she was ok. I looked down and with a deep breath, ripped my arms from the chains. I snapped both of my wrists and they were now bleeding heavily, and as I looked up at the shackles I saw the skin that had been left behind.

Meanwhile, in the castle library (which now resembled a bomb site because of the left side of the castle being blown apart) Ridley, Damien, snow and Drella were searching through masses of books and papers for any mention of this prophecy that they were all obsessed with; they were obsessed because it could be the downfall of them all, not because they wanted it to happen. Snow looked close to giving up and sat on the set of stepladders by one of the bookshelves.

“Snow! We have to keep looking ok! Get off your arse and move!” Drella yelled, her voice pitchy and screeched as she threw a book in his direction. Snow ducked out of the way and it hit the wall, smashing a glass cabinet. Ridley cleaned the glass up and shook his head with a long sigh and tutting. ‘We have to find that book’ he thought to himself, knowing that war was happening about fifty metres from where he was standing.

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