Chapter Fourteen

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I heard them. I heard them arguing; for once I felt like I had the upper hand because of my good hearing. For once I didn’t feel like a lower class, which was how I was treated like when I was here, even though they tried to treat me as an equal. We would never be equal, not when we were merely their food and we were hunted like animals; they would trace our steps and then stalk us, then finally pounce. We were just a game to them, and I would rather not be associated with them in any way. Even if that meant a few stakings and then I quitted.

I pressed my ear to the door gently, just enough so I could hear. The main hall was full with shouting and from what I could hear I made out the voices, they belonged to the King and Queen. I gasped and held the stake close to my chest. Two in one go would be a good start, then it would just be the two princes and the princess. I looked down and folded my legs, then looked ahead in thought. Was I prepared for what would happen after? The fact that every vampire alive (or dead, ha, I’m here all week) would be after me, all wanting to see me dead. I wasn’t a full blown assassin/murderer; I mean I cried my eyes out when our cat had to be put down. I didn’t live up to the tough person everyone made me out to be.

“YOU NEVER EVEN LOVED ME! YOU MARRIED ME BECAUSE I WAS DYING!” the Queen yelled, and from the wobbly tone in her voice I could tell that she was crying. There was a loud slapping sound which was followed by more of her crying, which made me shiver and flinch. She was kind, and helped me and Demie on more than one occasion. I had to compose myself and I took a deep breath in. She’s a vampire, just another vampire. All vampires are bad. I nodded with that, and decided that would be my new motto. I messed with the ornate black stake that snow had given me, but if all vampires were bad, how could I trust him?

Everything went eerily quiet after that, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of my own small breaths. I figured the castle was asleep. Vampires did sleep. My head shot up as I heard footsteps making their way down the corridor that I was sitting in, and the figure of a servant walked past me. She gasped in horror when she saw my stake, but I grabbed her and pushed my hand over her mouth. She struggled still but I held the stake to her neck and she instantly froze. I chuckled. “Now, are you going to tell anybody about this?” I asked, and she looked down at the stake as it began to pierce her skin, and then shook her head. I let her go and she ran off down the hall, as fast as she could from what it looked like.

I carefully pushed the door open and looked inside to make sure that everyone who happened to be in the hall was asleep. The room was bright with darkness and my eyes adjusted slowly, I could only just make out a few shadowy shapes. I used my memories of the night we asked if they knew where Elliot was to help me get around the room. Any noise and my neck would be ripped out on the spot. I did hit my leg but I clenched my jaw and bit through the pain, making sure that I didn’t make any sound. One of the people in my company turned over and yawned, but that was it.

I ran my hands along the wall, my palm going over the bumps and figures on the wall. I cringed as something tore at the skin on my finger and quickly wiped the blood away, knowing a vampire can sense it almost immediately by smell alone. Even if the room was dark, they could still find me before my heart had a chance to beat. Speaking about my heart, it was smashing against my lungs and ribs right now, and actually started to become painful. It knew what I was about to do and the emotional grief I would be causing myself, but I kept my breaths steady. I have to do this. For every human ruthlessly killed for blood. Every human kept as a blood slave. Every poor human who was forced to be a servant to these vampires.

I want to see the kingdom crumble first, so I figured that the King’s loss would be worse than the Queen’s. I fumbled around in the very big and empty room. My eyes finally got used to the darkness and I managed to look around, my eyes locking when I saw the pair. The King was asleep in his throne, and the Queen on the sofa. Her chest quivered as she breathed, like she had recently been crying. It was what I always did when I was trying to calm down. How did I go from innocent cook Leila to full blown royal vampire assassinator? Answer would be forever unknown. Manipulation probably, or desperation.

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