Chapter Eleven

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I groaned and opened my eyes, for what seemed like the first time in days. The light flooded my now open eyes and I squinted at the dark red glow that penetrated them. It felt like it was burning. The curtains soon pulled shut and I sat up, rubbing my temples with my fingers. “How long have I been asleep?” I asked vaguely into the room, knowing somebody must’ve pulled the curtains shut.

“A week” the figure replied in a monotone, shrugging slightly from what I could see. The figure was barely a shadow against the light that shone through the thin fabric they called curtains. The figure sat down on the chair and I could make out the appearance better, and I quickly covered myself up with a blanket when I realised that figure happened to be Damien. “Don’t bother, we had to wash you anyway” he said with a small wink, but I shrugged it off.

“What happened to me anyway? Why did I sleep for a week?” I asked, my mind almost bursting with questions. He looked at me as if I was speaking in rubbish or a different language, holding his arms up for me to stop. I frowned and shut my mouth, before looking down at the cover. I tried to clear my thoughts because they were all shouting and screaming, wanting to be heard.

“You were left half dead, Leila. Luckily I stayed here while everyone went out and I found you. I got the servants to clean you up and fix you some food, but you didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to heal you using venom, so I asked the doctor to stitch everything up so it could heal in a human way. I studied the bite on your neck but it disappeared before I had time to come to any conclusion as to who it was, so we still don’t know. Demie wants to see you as well, seeing as she’s bed bound” he explained, and I looked up to find him sitting close to me on the bed.

“How is she?” I asked, looking up at him. He sighed and turned so he was side on, and faced the curtains. I sighed, and he looked up as the sun made his skin turn tanned, instead of burning to a crisp.

“She’s fine, just adjusting. Carter won’t leave her alone for more than five minutes, partly because he has to give her his blood because it is rich in venom. But besides that she is very ill. Her body is slowly shutting down. She seems happy enough though, except when she screams because of the pain she’s in. Teething I think” he chuckled slightly, but I stood up and pulled some clean clothes from under my bed.

He looked at me before disappearing, into thin air. It was like he turned to mist and in a flash was somewhere else. I never understood that. In this world, their world, they were perfect in appearance. They were beautiful, and all looked like models. In our world however, when they passed over to feed, they were what they should be. Rotting corpses walking, not like out of a film and all statue like. They stayed like that until they drank, at which point they became bearable to look at. They turned beautiful only in Victus, in their world.

I pulled my belt through the loops in my jeans and zipped up my boots before walking out of my room. The only way I knew which room Demie was in was the fact that there were wolves guarding the door. Servants also went to and fro with food and blood, which still crept me out, and made me shiver when I saw it. I pushed past them as the wolves growled at me, and finally made my way into the room. The door slammed shut behind me and I jumped. Locked into the room with a half turned and thirsty vampire. Hooray!

Demie sat up and groaned, shaking. She looked so weak and frail, and you could see her bones through her skin. Her arms however, seemed to be becoming more slender and her whole body was pale white. Her eyes were a deep crimson in colour and changed constantly, and her face was void of any colour. She usually had rosy cheeks, but now they were simply pale. Her eyes also had dark circles surrounding them, from lack of sleep. Her neck was healed but there was a large silver scar in the shape of a bite towards the base of her neck. She had fangs that I noticed when she yawned, and she patted the seat next to her bed, which I sat in.

“I missed you Demie” I smiled, taking her hand. She looked at me confused but I figured she would be a bit dazed, and she messed with my hand. She picked up my fingers and looked at her own, noticing that hers were thin and her nails were sharp. She pricked my hand with her index fingernail and drew blood, but I pulled my hand away fast and wiped it away. “What’s wrong with you?!” I yelled a bit too loud.

Carter walked in at that precise moment, and I cursed under my breath at the vampire’s good timing. He sat by Demie and looked tired himself, but he didn’t look half as ill as her. He held his wrist out in front of her mouth and she bit down, sinking her fangs in. He winced and shut his eyes. After a few gulps she pulled away and cringed as the venomous blood surged through her veins. She shook violently and he hugged her tight, messing with her hair and trying to comfort her. He knew that this would be the hardest time of her life, and that the only way she could be sane throughout it was his comfort and blood.

“I should go now” I said as I stood up from the chair and brushed my t-shirt down. He nodded and laid Demie down as she slept, before lying next to her and pressing himself close to her sleeping self. I walked out of the room and watched as the servant threw a large piece of raw meat to each of the wolves and I scrunched my eyes up as I heard them knowing the bones and ripping the flesh and meat. I walked down one of the corridors for a little exploration.

My eyes widened and I dropped to my knees. “You have got to be kidding me!”

“Kidding me what?” he smiled, hugging me tight. I rolled over and looked up at him, brushing his hair from his glasses. I shrugged in response to his answer and with a small giggle, I pulled him into the kiss I’d been waiting to give him ever since we came to this strange world to find him. For some reason, it didn’t feel weird. Maybe I had missed him A LOT more than I could admit. He smirked and sat up, not breaking the kiss, and wrapped his arms around me.

“Excuse me?” I heard a girl growl, and I looked up with my lips locked, only to meet the fiery gaze of Drella. Elliot blinked and pulled away from me, then quickly stood up and swallowed, pushing his glasses up. “What the hell do you think you are both doing?” she asked, looking directly at me. I stood up to meet her eye level and smirked as her eyes flashed black.

“Catching up with my boyfriend” I smiled, sending a glace to Elliot as he blushed heavily; he tried to cover his rosy cheeks with his hands. She laughed but equally growled in my direction, baring her fangs.

“Your ‘boyfriend’ is my consort” she said with a smirk, especially when she put air quotes around the word boyfriend. I looked at Elliot who looked down. I slapped hard across his cheek before running down the corridor. He sighed and looked up at her, his eyes full of tears. She shrugged and took his hand. “You’re mine now, remember that”

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