Chapter Fifteen

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“Last night, something tragic happened. We did not plan for anything like this to happen so soon, but we must stay calm and orderly in the aftermath. The King was killed, or died, last night. We have no ideas yet as to how he died, but we will be investigating it. He was a good ruler, and our kingdom will be at a loss without him. He was fair but also firm when it came to wars, and made sure that those who went against them were punished. His family will be in mourning so any questions must be addressed to me” The official looking guy said, straight into the microphone in front of him. Standing before a court looked very daunting, but he had too much confidence.

The entire court was dressed in black and white, and it had the image of a funeral. The Queen, while sitting in silent tears, was comforting Drella. Damien was talking to Carter and it looked like they were just trying to not talk about it. Demie looked very uncomfortable and I couldn’t blame her. The worst part came when Snow sat next to me. “Well done” he whispered in my ear, whilst smirking in the devilish way he did when I first met him. My eyes welled with tears when I realised what I’d done, but now that I killed one I had to kill them all.

I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact with anyone. The rest of the meeting we had all been called to was filled with ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘It’s horrible to hear about your loss’.  I couldn’t take it anymore; it felt like I was going to scream out. At least my hand had been properly bandaged up now, and was in a temporary cast because of the depth of the injury. The doctors here had all been human in a past life, but couldn’t remember anything about it when I asked them. I suppose that hint of humanity helped control around blood.

Drella burst out crying at that point, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands. Her nails were perfectly manicured as usual, but were black with tiny white cobwebs on each nail. I sighed and looked at mine, where blood still stained some. It made me gag, I was always afraid of blood because of being what I am. I always thought that if I wasn’t scared it would make vampires attack me more, I had weird logic. My mind was constantly scared of everything around me, it made me more alert. I snapped out of my thoughts and was flung back into the harsh reality I was forced to live in. I loved my daydreams and how I could get lost in my own thoughts, it meant I didn’t have to think about worse matters.

“Also, we are questioning every person who currently is in residence in the palace. Everyone is a suspect until proven to be innocent. If you are found guilty you will be put on trail immediately and promptly executed. It is a crime of treason and murder of the highest degree.” The official stated, his fangs glinting in the small light that shone through the window. I shuddered and rubbed my neck, flinching where the skin had torn from the King’s fangs. A feeling of light headedness took over my body and my body ached but also felt weak.

There was a quiet gasp that made its way around the room, almost like a game of Chinese Whispers. Or a Mexican wave, either one was a good description of it. Everyone was shocked, nothing like this had ever happened before. After that brief and shocking introduction, everyone left. I pushed past Elliot on my way out not bothering to make eye contact. He frowned and turned, then walked after me. I turned quickly to face him and growled. “Don’t follow me ok? I hate you, Elliot!” I yelled, tears in my eyes nonetheless. He looked physically and emotionally hurt, but my broken heart was enough for my mind to focus on. After shouting in his face, I ran off.

Drella sighed and helped him up from his knees, knowing he had been crying. She didn’t know why but she could tell it was bad because she had never seen him cry. He hugged her tight and sobbed into her, tears dripping onto her dress and making it soaking with salty tears. I sniffed and threw my fist into my bedroom wall, with such a force that it throbbed. I reached under the bed to find my lipstick that I stole, and scrawled on the wall.

Too bad you fell for the girl with no soul

I threw the lipstick to the floor and looked at the wall, smiling from ear to ear. I was proud of my work, and the fact that you could actually read what the message was. Some would say this was the first sign of shear madness and I would agree strongly with them. I punched the mirror and it cracked, glass shards fell to the floor. I looked at myself in one of the pieces before throwing them out of the window piece by piece. Some sliced through my fingers but I couldn’t care, there was no pain anymore.

I was pulled back from the window by a fuming Damien, looking angry. He was wearing a white button shirt and black trousers, and looked unusually formal. He held me against the wall with my hoodie bunched up in his fists. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him to show that I wasn’t scared. He didn’t look impressed. His eyes wondered up and down me and focused on the blood that was covering my fingertips. “I swear one day you’re going to end up bleeding to death” he snarled through clenched teeth.

I scowled and poked his nose, smiling slightly at my own madness. It was comforting to know that no matter what I did, nobody would suspect me. I didn’t exist here. He growled and slammed my body against the wall again. I flinched as my back clicked. He smirked and brushed the back of his hand against my cheek and I shivered. I shivered not because I was cold, but for another unknown reason. “Look, I know my sister took Elliot away from you. I can see that you’re hurting inside. You’re sending out warning signals for god’s sake.” He smiled, tapping my head slightly. I looked at him confused. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. “When humans are scared or hurt, they basically emit that emotion. Trust me, every vampire in the kingdom can tell how hurt you are. It rings in our ears” he smiled, pretending to cover them. I smiled softly and looked down, he made me laugh for the first time in ages.

“You’ve never been so nice to me” I blushed and looked down. He shrugged and took his tie off, saying he hated dressing up formal because he preferred the casual side of life. I had to agree with him on that, but I also had to say how my life was not normal anyway because I never knew my real family. My mind flashed back to when Elliot disappeared, and the venom. He was Drella’s brother, right? The one who killed Brian and the one who helped take Elliot away. The venom.  “Did you turn Elliot?” I asked, my voice quivering.

He looked at me with the slightest smirk. “See that’s where slayers need to know more. Just because you inject a lot of venom, doesn’t turn somebody. To do that they have to drink a lot of blood. I just injected him with enough to knock him out, and keep him stable after losing a lot of blood. He’s as human as you” he smirked, and my eyes caught his fangs slightly. I shivered again, but he held my hands and I became calm.

I swallowed and looked up at him, and he moved my fringe from my eyes, tucking the strands of hair behind my ear. Our eyes locked on for a split second before my body screamed for me to pull away. I grabbed his wrists and tried to pull away, but my heart fluttered and I lost my grip. “It’s also a lie that vampires don’t take slayers as a consort” he whispered in my ear, before disappearing in front of my eyes. I pouted.

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