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Aphra paced back and forth in her bedroom, awaiting news from Victus. Ridley had promised to tell her if anything had happened but she hadn’t heard from him for a few weeks. A rumour had reached her that Leila had died and she was hoping it wasn’t true. Unfortunately, after what I had done to Leila, she wasn’t doing well. She was comatose in a way because the only venom that entered her blood stream was the ones on the edge of my fangs, so she’d turn extremely slowly, if she turned at all.

We appeared in the Mistshashi just an hour after what had happened, and the taste of her blood still clouded the inside of my mouth and made my heart tinge with guilt. I’d probably killed her and it was in a fit of rage over my husband. Maybe I over-reacted, and Leila could’ve gone free; but nonetheless she was and still (might be) is the rightful heir to the throne of Victus. That stupid and attitude prone, whiney and greasy haired slayer is Aphra’s daughter, Ridley’s sort of grand-daughter and the King and Queen’s lost grand-daughter. Hopefully her dormant vampire genes will kick in soon and save her.

Aphra looked up as we solemnly walked into her room, Ridley carrying a lifeless and ice cold Leila in his arms. She looked up from her thought and met the tear-ridden eyes of her father, and knew she could only expect the worst. He laid Leila’s frail body on the bed and held Aphra as she cried. Soon the only sound filling the room were her cries ad we all felt the burden that we’d created; but it had to be done sooner or later, and sooner would benefit us more than the latter.

“She’s my daughter, isn’t she?” Aphra asked, looking at her father distraught. He nodded and hugged her as she began to cry again, her tears turning to blood. I looked at Damien as he sat down and looked away from the people in the room. Snow sat against the door with his head in his hands as the poor girl mourned. She’d only just seen her daughter again but not in the best of circumstances.

“Honey you need to stop crying. I promise we’ll find a way to turn her more quickly or bring her back” Ridley said with a frown, moving Aphra’s hair from her face. Her face was wet from tears and he did his best to wipe them away. He knew that they only had a very small chance Leila would be ok and she sniffed.

“How did she die?” she sobbed, looking up at Ridley for an answer. I swallowed and hid behind my hair where the ends were matted with blood. Everyone, except for Aphra, stared straight at me. I hid and hugged my knees as she sniffed.

“One of us had to do it; Drella just got there first didn’t you?” Ridley nodded, looking at me. I nodded my reply and shook, looking over at the body. Snow noticed I was shaken and covered Leila in a blanket. We explained how she had ran from us for a very long time and the fact her slayer way of thinking wasn’t right for a vampire throne.

“Look, Aphra, we’re sorry. Donnie did a good job raising her but she was raised as a slayer” Snow said from the corner, the first words he’d spoken. Damien nodded in agreement and sighed, sitting beside me on the side of the bed. He may have been my brother but he never cared, but this once he pulled me close and put an arm around me. Since I lost mum and dad, things weren’t the same.

Elliot had ran away after I’d killed her; I knew for a fact I’d probably never speak to him again. He’d disappeared from every one of the known worlds. Ridley had stepped in as a temporary leader and the worlds were in ruins. Every human (except Elliot) had died fighting, and most of the vampires were seriously injured. I missed him.

A tiny part of me also wished for Leila to be ok though, but we knew that the wish was impossible. We sat in the tiny room waiting for a salvation, Aphra lost without her daughter and the rest of us just lost. Our lives wouldn’t be the same again.

And then, in the silence of it all, I felt someone bite my neck. Snow looked behind me as I winced in pain in horror. “Leila” he stuttered, and I felt her smile against my neck.

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