Chapter Twenty Two

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“Is it some sort of tribal tattoo?” Helena asked, pointing to the butterfly tattoo on my wrist from the day I met Snow. I was asleep so I couldn’t hear their conversations, but I was lost in the ebbs of my dreams. The tattoo only appeared visible because of the deal I made and the poison still in my body from that bite. It didn’t move anymore, instead it just settled for that spot. Sally shrugged and they looked at it, picking my wrist up gently to look at it closer.

“I guess, it doesn’t seem like a normal tattoo” Sally replied, not interested in it. She picked a book up from the corner of the tent, by her bed, and started to read. Helena sighed and took the book of her.

“You can’t let books infect your look on reality! We’re part of a war, Sally. There’s no point in getting your hopes up in the pointless drivel! You can be so stupid sometimes” Helena yelled, and tears welled in Sally’s eyes. She sat on her bed and curled up facing away from her. She began sobbing into the blanket that she had wrapped around herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sh-”

“Save it” Sally sighed, her voice now broken from tears. She turned away from her friend and shaking and sniffing she fell asleep. I shivered and turned over in my sleep as I wrestled with my thoughts and memories. I wanted them to disappear so that I wouldn’t feel guilty when I killed a vampire anymore.

I jolted up in the middle of the night, and looking around I realised that both Helena and Sally were asleep. I hushed my breaths down so that they weren’t so scared and fast, but my attempts to calm myself down were failing. I picked up my stake and held it close to my chest, scrunching up my eyes tight so I couldn’t see. I always had nightmares and they had got progressively worse since I left the slayer house. It felt weird calling it ‘home’ now though. I shook as there were noises outside, which sounded like people shouting. I woke the pair up, and they smiled, looking at each other.

“I can’t believe we forgot!” Sally smiled, seeming a lot happier than she was when she was in a mood with Helena. They both giggled and got changed, putting on makeup and smiling. I looked at them both really confused as they hadn’t explained anything. They pulled me up despite the fact I was still half asleep and began tugging at my hair. I cringed and struggled against them but gasped as I caught my reflection in the mirror. They’d made me look decent.

“Come on, we’re having one last party before! Seeing as tomorrow we begin fighting, there’s a band and everything. COME ON!” Helena smiled, dragging me outside. I looked at them both slightly scared and tried to keep my balance despite being dragged around. I shook my arms from their grips but they soon gripped them tight again. These girls had killer grips, that thing I knew for sure. I didn’t know whether it was that or because I have the emotional range of an atom.

A party? In the middle of a ground that pretty much resembled a desert? This I would have to see.

They showed me the way to the forest that was dense and the leaves on the tress barely made the sky visible. It reminded me of the first day I was here, when Demie, Trent and I landed here in the purple grass. Now things had changed, and one of our company was dead. We hadn’t heard how, why or when, we just knew that he was gone. In this world though they gave you no time to grieve over those you had lost, because everything was focused on the future.

“Do you always talk to yourself?” Sally asked, laughing as she dragged me along. “It’s like you’re talking to someone. Your life isn’t a film or a book y’know” she laughed again, and I sighed. I liked talking to myself, I didn’t need an explanation. We finally reached the clearing in the middle of the forest, noticing there had to be about two hundred people here, all partying. Someone had brought a stereo with them so the beats were rupturing through the air, making the ground shake. The bass was thumping and each beat ran through my body, making me shake. “Come on, PARTY!”

I ran into the burly guy from the training ground and hid slightly, trying not to make eye contact with him as we had not had the best of friendships. My eyes started to play tricks on me, and I could see faces of people I knew were dead, or lost. I jumped and screamed when I felt two hands on my shoulders, and I turned to see that it was Snow. Why he was with the human side I had no idea, but if anyone found out he was far from normal he would be first to go.

“Don’t be so scared, I just came to wish you good luck. You’ll all need it, because there is no way that you can EVER win this war” he smirked, twisting my wrist. My eyes welled with painful tears but I knew that I had to be quiet, or he would kill me. Someone who I used to think was my friend had now betrayed me in the worst way possible. I knew our side was disadvantaged, but we had the human spirit and perseverance to carry on.

“At least we have spirit, unlike you” I spat back at him, pulling my wrist from his grip. He stepped back as I held my stake to his chest, knowing that nobody would notice because they were all too caught up in the party atmosphere. “Tomorrow, the first vampire I kill will be you, because of all the things you’ve put me through”

“You chose to kill the King, with the Queen I just helped you a bit” he smirked, holding up a bottle of poison in front of my face. I frowned and stepped back, hitting the back of my leg on the corner of the table. I cringed as I felt blood run down it and his eyes turned a red in colour. “Maybe I should kill you first, you have a phobia of blood remember” he smirked and flashed his fangs.

“I HAD a phobia of blood, but after living with vampires I think I might’ve got over it* I said unimpressed, rolling my eyes. He smiles and pressed down on my wrist over the spot where the bite used to be, making me flinch. “Get off me” I said frustrated. He just laughed, safe to say straight in my face, showing no signs of sympathy. I laughed slightly, trying to calm my frustration. “I’ll just stake you now”

“When the bells go off at dawn, and the war officially starts, I look forward to seeing your body ripped up as an example to any more slayers who think they are better than us” he smirked, twisting my stake and slashing my stomach with it. My eyes became fountains and tears rolled freely from them as my stomach bled. I saw his fangs flash but everything soon became blurry, and I hit the floor. I blacked out. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t even think.


“I know that all of you here were humans once. It will be hard, and it will mean most of you may lose your lives, but we must fight for our freedom. It will free the kingdom from the royal family and we can all get along for once” Ridley nodded, pacing from side to side, in front of his most trusted friends and people that he led. They put their faith in him to keep them safe but he was leading them into a final fight. He could see the sadness in their eyes.

Maybe he thought he could find his missing daughter in the fight. Every vampire around had to fight for the vampire side, so he would surely find her. He knew that she would end up running to him if she needed help like she did all those years ago. He loved her as his own, but she always knew that she didn’t belong with him. She would always ask to visit the castle but he would risk being caught, so he had to hide her away.

She would never call him dad. He wanted her to but she told him she didn’t like calling him that. It was always Sir.

They would never share the father-daughter relationship that she would have had if she had stayed with the king and queen.

But if he could do one thing right, it was how he raised her. She was free to decide what she wanted to be, how she wanted to be like. Maybe people would argue that he gave her too much freedom, but in a world where there was too much anyway, she was obedient when he gave her a curfew and she would stick to it.

However, although he had a bad reputation, Ridley was not the type of guy who was a good fighter. Despite his tough exterior, a war was not his cup of tea. He would just have to show to people that he can adapt when needed.

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