Chapter Three

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Donnie was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what we were going to do. Elliot was missing, there was blood everywhere in his room, and most importantly the ashes had disappeared. There was no clue in the room as to where he was, or what exactly had happened. All I knew was he was depressed, but you could always find him in his room. My heart went cold as I watched Donnie pace in anxious thought, knowing that something was very wrong. His eyes widened and he looked at a trail of molten gold that made its way through the room before it just...stopped.  “W-what is it?” I asked, shocked. It was dry gold.

“Royal vampires’ blood. Pure 24 carat gold” he answered swiftly. “Vampires have been here, probably explains Elliot’s disappearance. If they’ve taken him, we might not see him ever again, and I suspect they will slaughter us here. We have a few weeks of normality before -as I suspect – they will come for us. We break their laws of a fair trial every day, and their punishment for breaking a rule is death” he sighed, rubbing his temples as he continued to pace around Elliot’s empty room. I watched him but he seemed far too lost in thought to notice my presence.

“So vampires, probably the one I killed that night, took Elliot away?” I asked, almost crying from the fact that this was all my fault. If I had stayed with him instead of going to training, he would still be here and would still be safe. I traced my hand along his dressing table that was filled with notes and as I traced my hand across it, they slid slightly. “What the-?” I whispered to myself, looking at my hand that was now covered in blood. I looked at the corner and leg of the table that was also covered in blood as well. “Donnie” I yelled, catching him out of his thoughts “You should see this, there’s blood”

He walked over to the table and knelt down by the blood, gasping as he looked at it as it dripped to the carpet. It was fresh, couldn’t have been there more than ten minutes at the most. “This changes everything” he nodded and swallowed, also noticing a drip of a purple-ish liquid that shone as the dim midnight sun hit it. As he touched it, it starting to burn through his skin and the steam that it gave off was also purple in colour. I wiped it off and blinked, looking at the burn mark on his hand. “What the hell is that? Is it some sort of chemical? Is it corrosive, because it hasn’t burnt through the table?” I asked, shocked and nearly unable to speak.

“Well, from the way it burnt through my skin, it’s either a harmful chemical or venom” he sighed, bandaging up his hand with some cloth he always carried around in his pocket. He was always prepared for anything. He cringed but he never showed that he was in pain, even when he breaks bones. That was an eventful Monday. Breaking a leg and arm in the period of one hour, and still not making a fuss over it. I looked up at him confused.

“Venom? What’s that? Like, when a snake bites you?” I asked, my inexperience showing then unlike any other time. It probably was obvious to an experienced slayer, but I had no clue what he was talking about. He sighed and tied the bandage up tight, collecting some of the dripping venom in a test tube, then put a top on it. I watched as the liquid hit the glass and trailed down it, but it didn’t seem to burn through this, only skin.

“When a vampire bites someone, they inject venom to stop the blood clotting so that they can drink the said victim dry. If they don’t drink the victim dry, the victim will eventually die from the venom because when it reaches the heart it will kill them. However, if the venom injected is a lot, when it reaches the heart, it will slowly turn them. I suspect with this amount of venom, that somebody has been turned. I hate to say this Leila, but I think that vampire got Elliot” he sighed, it was like he’d lost a son, I saw his eyes when Brian died, it was horrible. My eyes became blurry from tears. Maybe I liked Elliot more than a friend would.

Donnie had called a house meeting in the lounge, the worst room for a meeting, because it was so cramped with fifty people in there at once. I sat in front of the fireplace and relished its warmth as it hit my back. I looked around and watched as everyone stopped their own conversations as Donnie stood up from his armchair. I looked at him and then looked down at the floor again, trying to compose myself instead of reverting to the blubbering wreck I wanted to be, I wanted to cry for the pair of brothers I had lost that meant absolutely everything to me. I was lost without them.

“As you all now know, Elliot has disappeared. Leila and I looked around his room earlier and we found a lot of blood and some of this” he held the test tube up, and the liquid looked transparent against the light that bellowed through the large window. There were a few gasps amongst the group of slayers, and Trent looked at me with a growl as if to say ‘well done for protecting him’ then looked at Donnie and stepped forward.

“What do you propose we do? And what has happened to him anyway?” he asked, arrogant as ever, and sat back down with a smirk that he sent crashing in my direction. I scowled at him and returned to messing with the carpet. God knows how I could be best friends with him; we had been since I was little. I sighed and prodded the logs on the fire again and then turned around, everyone was anxiously awaiting Donnie’s answer to that question we all wanted the answer to, I wouldn’t be surprised if people started fighting for the answer. He took a deep breath and placed the test tube back in his pocket and looked at Trent.

“We have reason to believe he was studying the ashes of a royal vampire. After asking the slayer, the vampire was a girl, a princess. Royal vampires have until their 20th Birthday to find a partner, whom they turn, so I think that’s where he is. All we can do is protect everyone here. Nobody leaves and you let nobody in” he sighed, imparting his vast knowledge of vampires to the group. Demie, a girl just older than me, stepped forward, and looked down as she spoke.

“Are you suggesting that Elliot has been taken as a consort? Because I was reading earlier, and it said that vampires refuse to take slayers as a consort” she nodded as she spoke, and the other slayers nodded and spoke in agreement with her. Even I had to agree, because that was what we learnt in training today. More vampire society rules, it was so interesting. Not. I yawned softly and the creaking embers of the flames behind me kept me harshly awake. I sat up and cringed as pins and needles took hold of my legs from sitting on them for so long.

“Elliot was never actually a slayer though. Everyone here has killed at least one vampire, he never did. He only knew about it, so they took him” Donnie replied, looking down. “You can all go now, everyone except Trent, Demie and Leila” he added, and everyone made their way back to whatever they were up to before. I stood up and staggered over to the pair and we sat on the sofa, Donnie stood in front of us.

“You three are going to have to go to the vampire realm and try and sort out getting him back” he sighed.  Trent shrugged, my eyes widened with shock but Demie stood up and shook her head fast, almost crying. I looked at her confused, she’d never shown this much disagreement to something Donnie said, she usually volunteered.  Trent sat back and obnoxiously pulled me onto his lap; I spat in his eye and sat in my space again. That taught him. “I’m sorry, but it’s the only way we can get him back. You three are the best slayers here besides me, but I’m too weak, so you’ll cope”

“I can’t go back!” she sobbed, and I froze. Go back? She’d been there before? Everything in my mind fell into place. She left the house for three years when I was about ten; Donnie said she’d gone on holiday around the world. Truth is she’d been sent to the vampire world. She told me how she had to sign a peace agreement but they didn’t and that’s why we’re here as slayers, to keep the peace between our two races. Slayers made three laws though.

1.       Let people have a chance to explain themselves, give them a chance to speak

2.       No matter what they say, if they are a vampire, stake them

3.       You must never fall in love

“Donnie, it’s too dangerous, please. Demie is hardly in any state to go there, she’s traumatised from the last time” I yelled, holding her as she sobbed into me. I rubbed her back but Donnie sighed and looked at Trent, then at the pair of us.

“I’m sorry about this, but you are going and that’s final. Whether you come back is your own decision” he said, and with a large white flash we disappeared. There were no longer walls surrounding us, we landed in a garden. Where the sky was a deep shade of scarlet.

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