Chapter Five

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I sat up with an aching head yet again, like somebody was repeatedly punching it from the inside and crashing against my skull. It was like a migraine, only twenty times worse. Every throb soared through my body as I held my head with my hand, but it made no difference. The world around me pulsed slowly, my vision blurring every time. I looked around at the room I was in and held my stake close as I inspected it, to make sure no vampires were going to jump out at me and rip out my throat, then drink me to death.

Everything in this room was red, back or purple. There were occasional tinges of gold or silver but those three colours featured prominently. The curtains reached eight feet above me and were deep red colour, made out of velvet; that was what it felt like when I touched it, the material was silky but also fuzzy to the touch and caressed between my fingers. The sky outside had changed to a dark blue and made me feel more comfortable. Red sky was their night, and dark blue was their day time. The grass was purple instead of green, water was a deep blue, trees talked to each other and flowers could walk around. Everybody here was too kind; it was actually starting to scare me. The kitchens stocked no food, and I shivered as I imagined what they did stock. In my room there was a large red four poster bed with black pillows and a black fleece blanket on top of the red duvet. There was also a purple sofa facing the window and a large mirrored wardrobe, to the left of that was an en suite bathroom.

I looked down at myself and sighed, my clothes were ruined and these were my only clothes that I had. None of us thought to pack, well we weren’t given any time to. The quicker we found Elliot, the quicker we could leave and I could get out of these horrible, dirty clothes. My slayer instincts were constantly hiding, every tiny noise made me jump. My stake was in my coat pocket which was draped messily over the chair in the corner of the room, and I prayed nobody would find it. If they did, I know what they do to slayers here. Death.

There were four loud knocks on the door. I sighed and opened it, to meet the steely gaze of the Prince. “So you’re Leila huh?” he smiled, pushing me back slightly and shutting the door behind him as he stepped into my room. I looked at him confused, unable to speak, and shaking violently. He looked at me and laughed coldly. “I’m Damien, Prince of this world” he smiled, showing his fangs. I shut my eyes tight and shaking still I looked down. I backed away and sat on top of my coat so he couldn’t find my stake.

“I-I’m Leila” I tried to say clearly with a smile, it came out more of a stutter with a half smile. He tilted my head up and looked straight into my eyes with his, I turned my head away but he pulled my head back. I tried to push him off, but he planted three small kisses in a trail down my neck and shutting my eyes I fell frozen to the spot. I tried to push him off with all my strength but he scratched the end of his fang along my neck, drawing blood. Before he had a chance to bite I kicked straight in his chest and unfrozen, backed into the wall.

I quickly found my stake in my coat pocket and held it in front of me. He merely chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You think a stake will end any vampire while they’re here?” he smirked, snapping it in half. I swallowed as he held my hand but I elbowed him in the jaw and ran for the door. The room seemed to elongate and it felt like I was running a marathon. I struggled and tried to open the door but it felt as though the lock was glued, and no matter how hard I tried to pull on it, it stayed glued.

I felt his breath on the back of my neck and when he pulled me off, I hit the post of the bed and my head throbbed. Blood trickled down the back of my neck and matted every strand of hair it touched. “I’m going to enjoy draining you” he smirked, making his way forward, licking his fangs in a teasing manner. “Watch you fade slowly” he smiled, pulling me up and hitting my head again, this time from the window. “Your life is just a game for me”

“Let me go” I yelled, but he held his hand across my mouth and tilted my head back, exposing my neck. I pulled against him as a searing pain ran through my body and I started to fall weaker and weaker as he drained me. He gulped heavily and every time it sent daggers through my body. He bit down again and I screamed, well gurgled, and fell completely as I lost feeling in my legs. He held me up because he wanted more and smirked as I shut my eyes.

“Your blood, it tastes just like fine wine. Rich in flavour and deep, it’s just perfection if there was such thing as it. If only it could never end. I will savour this moment, your fast beating heart as you tried to escape and the fear that ran through your body. I got you and now I can wipe out your measly friends and family” he smirked, wiping the blood from his lips.

I sat up with sweat beading down my forehead and tears rolling down my cheeks. I quickly checked my neck but it was smooth and untouched, everything was where it should be and there was no blood anywhere. I sighed in relief, another nightmare. There were however, four loud knocks at the door and I hid under the blanket. I wasn’t ready to die, I wasn’t ready to die. I finally looked over the top to see Demie and a tall blonde boy, I smiled. It was a bad dream. I looked up at the pair who had their hands clasped in each other’s.

“You must be Carter” I smiled and he nodded. It was strange to see Demie so close to a vampire and not be scared. He nodded and flicked his hair from his startling green eyes. They looked perfect together, even though she hunted and killed creatures like him. I sighed and stood up from bed and looked at them, shooing them out of the room before going for a long shower.

The en suits bathroom was way bigger than it looked. I shut the door and looked around. There was a large shower, with red tiles on the floor and a stripe going around the whole suite with red tiles also. There was a small red sofa against the wall, a bath by it and a sink with a large mirror above it. I looked at myself, a shadow of who I used to be. Probably from the lack of washing, brushing of hair and change of clothes. I looked horrible and you could say, smelt the same. I pulled some strawberry shampoo out of the cabinet and some matching conditioner before locking the door. I then found some glittery shower gel and reluctantly put it at the foot of the shower. I turned it on and tried to turn it down because it was boiling but it wouldn’t get any colder.

I wrapped myself in the fuzzy towel that was warm, even though I was bright red from the scorching water I was pelted with. I smelt a lot better though now. I placed the bottles back and quickly got dressed again, drying my hair with the red hairdryer under the mirror. It fluffed out and suddenly felt nice instead of being matted with sweat and grease. Life of a slayer wasn’t good, especially with fifty people fighting over three showers, things got messy very easily. It also meant that having a shower was almost seen as a reward. No wonder the people at the house looked as though they’d been dragged through a bush (as Liddie would’ve said)

I smelled my hair and relished the clean smell infused with strawberries. I rummaged in my pocket and put my eyeliner back on, carefully trying not to shake from the heat in the room. I rubbed a finger over my chapped lips and sighed. I was falling apart, curse those perfect and pristine vampires. But I’d rather be falling apart than have to kill other people to keep my appearance. I chose a mortal life any day. Thinking of that I saw another memory, I sat down on the sofa to watch.

It must’ve been my mother, because I didn’t recognise the person. She was knelt beside the bathtub, humming eerily to herself as she bathed the child. She covered its eyes and tipped the suds away and the toddler girl clapped her hands. “That’s a good girl” she smiled, but she looked scared almost. She reached for her phone and dropped it in shock at the unknown message. The child cried as she disappeared and looked around. I stood up as everything disappeared and the bathroom was normal again.

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