Chapter Seven

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I lay on the bed in the alternate version of my room and looked at the black and white theme to it. I messed with the stake, twirling it with the pointed end on my index finger; I applied only enough pressure so it would dent my skin and not pierce it. My mind was having a war with itself, like a real life devil and angel. There were positives and obvious negatives to each, but as I thought I’d finally come to a decision, there were knocks at the door. I sat up and pulled my hoodie on shivering. “Come in”

The guy with the icy blonde hair walked in and slammed the door behind him, I could hear the frame splintering under his strength. I cringed slightly and shut my eyes. He bounced on the side of my bed and breathed down onto my face, it smelt of rotting flesh and made me want to throw up. He pinched my cheeks and chuckled, sending more of the stale air straight into my face. I shut my eyes and scrunched up my nose, trying to block the smell out. “Morning sleeping beauty. Time for you to make us some food” he smirked again.

“There was no mention of making food in the deal” I sighed. He pulled me up off the bed by my hair and I screamed in pain as my roots began to tear. I pulled his hand away as tears welled in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. He let go however when he saw that I was crying and I staggered to try and stay standing. He held me up and took my wrist, sinking his fangs in. I tried to scream but another held his hand over my mouth. The pain was excruciating and it felt like I was slowly being drained. I felt weak as every pulse was sucked out of my body and three other vampires bit my other arm. I shut my eyes and my head rolled forward and they all let go, wiping their mouths and licking their fangs clean. I cringed and bandaged up my arm with the grotty, blood covered rag on the table. “Can you at least tell me how to get back to the palace, I don’t like it here” I swallowed, rubbing my wrists.

“The exact way you got here, except the opposite way around. I’m guessing you got here through black liquid in the mirror, you should get back through white lights in the glass. Don’t forget our deal Leila” he smirked, handing me the black wooden stake that was the opposite of the one I had back in the normal reality. I looked at it and sighed, shutting my eyes as I gripped it tight. I knew that it was kill them or be ripped apart by the people here and I would’ve much rather picked the second one. I guess I had no choice. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror, watching as a white light seeped through the cracks. I shut my eyes from the glow and stepped through the window, landing in a heap in the bathroom.

I quickly looked around and luckily saw colour and electrics. I sighed in relief and walked back into the bathroom. That was some mental dream. No time had passed since I left and I flopped back onto the bed, revelling in its comfort. Something was weird though. There was a grey bandage on my arm that looked like it had been drained of all colour. I carefully twirled it off to find the same bite from the morning. Except it wasn’t oozing red blood nor was the bite red and swollen, the area affected was grey and the blood oozing from it was black. I dug my nail into my other arm to see it was oozing red. Weird. I bandaged the bite up again.

There were more knocks on the door and it was starting to bug me, it wasn’t a man because the knocks would’ve been stronger. Vampire men didn’t know their own strength (like I had seen with the blonde vampire and the door) and that could prove fatal. I sat up and hauled my body from the bed and opened the door, to meet a fuming vampire girl. She pinned me to the wall with her hand around my throat and kicked the door shut. I blinked; I thought...I thought she was dead. I choked as her grip got tighter. “I thought I staked you” I managed to splutter.

Drella rolled her eyes, and let me go. I clutched my neck loosely and breathed deep, trying to regain a steady breathing rate. She clacked as she paced, wearing wedge high heeled purple velvet boots. She was wearing a reasonably short orange dress with opaque black tights and her hair was messily pulled back, most of it was not even tied up. She had dark purple eye shadow on that ringed around her eyes and deep red lipstick. She didn’t look like a Princess at all. I rummaged through my jacket pocket to find the black stake. First one down I thought.

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