Chapter Twenty Seven

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I tried to snap my wrists back into place but the pain was unbearable. News had reached us that Demie had died from her injuries and I had now lost all hope. I was near unconscious from blood loss and cooped up in this room. I missed my friends, I missed the slayer house and I even began to miss the vampires. My wrists were throbbing and the pain was getting too much to handle, and the other people locked up in this room weren’t any help.

“She thinks that she’s all strong, but she’s not. Just watch. She’ll be dead within a week max. She looks like she’s going to die of starvation any minute now” a man spat at me, folding his arms. He didn’t look too good himself. The girl sitting next to him looked exactly my age, but she looked like she was dying. She would only cough occasionally to let us know she was still alive and metaphorically kicking.

“Shut up, at least she’s decent enough to be quiet and not dampen everyone else’s spirits” a girl replied, sticking up for me in a sense. I smiled at her and she smiled back, the hit the guy in the jaw. She was a lot stronger than she looked.

“I promise I’ll get you out of here” I croaked, my voice broken from lack of water. “Even if it kills me. It’s my fault that you’re here anyway, it’s the least I can do” I added, sitting up slowly and cringing from the stinging pain in my wrists. They were swelling by the second and would soon stop my movement in my hands.

I looked around the concrete room for any means of escape, and time was not on our side. The vampires hadn’t opened the door for days now and the air was getting thinner. They really did intend for us all to die. I wasn’t going to give in to their wishes. I stumbled up and bound my wrists up with some cloth on the floor and shut my eyes as pain tingled through me. Pain was just in my head. Pain was just in my head I repeated to myself.

I kicked the wall slightly and watched as it crumbled. There was a weak point. I grabbed the chains that I had escaped from and began to hit the wall with them, figuring that they would’ve had to have been strong. The wall started to crumble even more and eventually, after hitting it for around ten minutes, I saw daylight. I saw daylight for the first time in days. I pulled at the weak concrete and the hole began bigger, the daylight flooding the room, and the faces of those captured lighting up.

“Is that actually daylight?” a younger girl smiled, standing up slowly and walking over to me. I nodded and clawed at the concrete and she kneeled by me and helped. The hole grew and more light flooded in. I could see grass, I could see the sky. Everyone began to start helping to pull the wall away bit by bit; even the man who had doubted me earlier had begun to pull at the concrete. I smiled at them all.

Soon, the hole was big enough for us to step through; I helped everybody out before myself. I walked into the corner and picked up the girl, noticing how unnaturally light she was. They’d drank from her, but left her to die. I frowned and passed her to one of the guys and stepped out myself. The light was bright at first but my eyes adjusted to it. I looked back at the box we had been kept in as it crumbled and collapsed.

We might actually make it

Even though we struggled, we all knew that in one way or another we’d meet our end. Like all of the people I had seen die before me. When I held Brian in my arms as the light left his eyes and life left his body. Even though we were all smiling as the daylight hit our skin, we could only live in the moment. “Live life, enjoy every single second and live it to its fullest. You will only reach your goals if you work hard and look after people” Liddie used to tell me. Back then I was just a child, I couldn’t appreciate what she told me.

The youngest girl looked at me. She had large gashes down her arms and legs and looked up at me unsure as to what to do. “We’re going to die, aren’t we?” she asked, her eyes welling with tears as she looked down hurt. I wasn’t the type of person to lie, so I nodded meekly without speaking. She sobbed slightly and nuzzled into the arms of a guy. They looked similar. They were twins. I saw that they both wore necklaces that fitted with each other’s and I smiled, they kept hope.

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