Chapter Thirteen

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“We need to destroy the Mistshashi, before it destroys Victus and Earth. The power there is growing, and before long it will suck the power from our two worlds and they will die.” The King sighed, looking at the Queen. She nodded sadly and looked down, messing with the gold wedding ring that she had worn for so many years. She might have been in love back then, but she questioned whether she still was now. There was a little nagging voice in the corner of her mind telling her to leave because the king had changed since they first met, but the voice of reason was disagreeing.

Snow was pacing the corridors, head down in thought. He was trapped in the world in question, and destroying that would mean destroying him. No matter how much the Queen might’ve hated him; she couldn’t stand by and watch her own brother die. He would never be accepted in Victus again but that would be the only place he would appear normal. He was still a vampire, so he would be a decomposing corpse. He’d last three days at the most, if people hadn’t gone zombie slayer on him first. People actually had firearms especially made for killing zombies.

I sighed and looked up at the windows of the palace from the garden, but the bad lighting meant that I couldn’t see anyone. I knew I was far too optimistic for my own good sometimes, and there was a burning sensation inside me, saying that Elliot still liked me. I laughed, sure. My mind was always lying to me to make me feel happier. He had that Drella girl anyway now, and I would never be good enough for him if he was engaged to a vampire. Consort basically meant fiancé. There was no way to break that; if you did it could end in imprisonment or execution, especially to a member of the royal family.

My thoughts brought me to a flood of tears again, and I fell to my knees, hiding my face in my hands as I cried. My hands were soon wet with the droplets, and after a while the droplets seeping from my eyes started to become red and opaque. I was crying blood. They dripped onto my clothes and my hands were bright red, like cold-blooded murderers. My head slowly started to feel heavy and it felt like pressure was pushing on my skull, and blood trickled from my nose and mouth. I found myself collapsed on the grass, alone, to bleed to death; well that was until a vampire found me.

“Right, you might feel a little weak at first, but you should be ok” Carter smiled, holding up a slightly wobbly Demie, who looked like a toddler who could only just walk. She looked like she was squinting, which was understandable because she’d been cooped up inside for a little over a month, and it was quite sunny today. Not that I could tell, I was passed out and slowly bleeding to death.  He looked around because of the sweet smell of my blood and knew that it was human, and then led Demie over to me. She whimpered softly.

“What happened to Leila?” she asked, dazed, but looked up at Carter for an answer. He shrugged and looked at the blood oozing from my face, and knew immediately that it was fresh. I coughed and blood splattered everywhere, hitting the pair’s faces but mainly their cheeks. Demie’s eyes went a deep crimson and Carter pulled her away, knowing that when vampires were made that their hunger is immense for a year. She struggled against him with her new found strength but he was far too strong and he pulled her back into the castle, pulling one of the servants out fast, knowing they could cope because they were human. She looked down at my fading body and gasped, covering her mouth with her hands in shock. She knelt down and felt my pulse, which was fading but was still there.

“We have to get her inside, get the doctor, NOW!” she screeched at him, and he picked me up quickly and ran inside. She ran after him. My body fell limp and I felt like I couldn’t move it on my own, like a ragdoll. I felt myself being thrown down onto a bed and a tingling sensation of being prodded with needles before everything went black. I couldn’t see, hear, feel anything or move. The only sign I knew I was alive was by my thoughts, and steady thump of my heart. The fact it was still beating gave us all hope, and reassured me I was still myself.

Hold on to what you have, while you’ve still got it

Hold on to what you have before it runs away

Hold on to your last breath before it leaves your lungs

Hold on...



“We’re losing her!” the doctor exclaimed, looking around frantically for any equipment she could use. The room was sent into a frenzy and everyone started to panic, trying to aid her search. The King and Queen looked sad, the Queen mostly. The King showed indifference. Then they brought Elliot in, who collapsed to his knees and cried. Drella rolled her eyes and stood by her brother, who couldn’t care less.

Until your last breath, hold on...

I jolted up and coughed heavily, each cough I spluttered up more blood. My throat felt like it had been cut with a thousand knives. Everyone gasped and the doctor thumped my back as I started to choke, and every thump sent searing pains through my whole body. It started as a tingle but then felt like a stab wound. Every single one a deeper slash, with skin tearing harshly at the points. I felt like I was being torn apart. I wished for death because I knew that at least that was one short burst of pain and then peace, not endless torment like my body was being hauled through.

“Don’t forget our little deal Leila, you can go home. It’ll only take five minutes to kill the royal family, then you never have to visit this world again, and Elliot won’t have Drella, so you can have him all to yourself” Snow whispered in my ear as the room cleared, all except for him and myself. My eyes glistened for a moment like they did when HIS name was mentioned, and my frown soon turned into a smirk. He placed a black stake into my palm and I gripped it tight almost instinctively. My years of training made me act like that around any stake. He kissed my cheek softly and it felt like a spark, but not a good one. It felt like one from a loose wire that decided to kill somebody.

I looked at the stake, carefully taking in each tiny detail. It looked fairly detailed, the wood had patterns carved into it that seemed to spell out words but they were in a weird foreign language. I frowned, they made some sense; I think I might’ve heard them before, but I can’t remember exactly. My mind throbbed slightly as memories span around my mind, and all fought a little battle to be shown. Looks like they all fought too hard because I didn’t see anything. I sat up and moaned in pain as my back clicked as I pushed on my elbows. Every click made me flinch or jump. I nodded my head slightly as my ideas agreed with themselves, like they’d made a truce.

“You know what, I will. For the slayers”

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