Chapter Seventeen

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“Look, Damien, I’m fed up of doing these tedious things for you. If you exploit my powers like this again I’ll have no choice but report you to the vampire council. I’m sorry but you know that there are lots of dangers with a spell like this, like what happened with your ex” the witch sighed, rolling her eyes as she tried to get him to go away. It was the middle of the night and she had been rudely awakened by a strangely optimistic Damien. It was a sight.

“Please. I know it didn’t work last time but I kind of promised Leila that I could bring Brian back. This time I have a living blood relative as well, and you said the only reason she didn’t make it was because her family were dead” he asked, pleading with her to at least consider it, or try. She sighed and pulled her large jacket on, pulling three large necklaces on before she reached for her boots. She rummaged around in the cupboard and found a large book, dusty and battered.  “Please” he added.

“Fine” she said with a sigh. “But if it doesn’t work, you never talk to me again and I don’t get the blame for her reaction, ok?” she looked at him as she zipped her boots up. He nodded fast, but still unsure as to whether he actually wanted to take the blame. He knew I would hate him. She walked out of her tiny apartment-like house and locked the door. It was small and cramped but she refused to live inside the palace walls. A witch would be attacked in seconds.

“Fine, I just want her to be happy” he replied, looking down. With a sigh he walked through the forest with her close to his side. I walked with Elliot until we found each other, and he looked like he was so tired he was going to fall asleep. Neither he nor the witch was fond of the idea, but Damien and I shared a determination. I handed her the necklace and she sat us in a circle.

“Blood relative?” she questioned, and Elliot put his hand up. She grabbed it and stabbed into his hand with a small dagger, watching as blood welled to the surface. She took his hand and dripped the blood onto the open page of the book, watching as the words seemed to move and list themselves into a spell. She read it out, whispering softly.

“Those that have come to pass, those who have left transparent like glass. Others who cease to exist anymore, now we promise not to ignore. With blood and memories we do cast this spell, to bring you back from where you fell. Those who are dead and gone, we bring you back, to live, be strong.” She chanted, over and over, traced the necklace chain into the blood on the page. We all watched with wonder as the blood started jumping out of the page. We were all speechless, but it seemed that our words had been taken away rather than we didn’t know what to say. We made the effort to talk but our words were stolen.

The chain snapped and started to reform, binding with the blood that was spilled from Elliot’s cut that she had made. The shape resembled bones, but by that gory point Damien had covered my eyes with his hand. No matter how much I wanted to see, I knew I would’ve thrown up or fainted because I wasn’t good with a lot of blood or ripping flesh. The blood formed veins and the chain moulded itself into bone shaped rods, and even Damien gagged slightly. The witch kept chanting until there was a loud bang and we were all thrown back. My head hit a tree and I blacked out.

“See, this is where I was unsure. I don’t know if he would be a vampire, or human. Or maybe something else” the witch sighed, looking at Damien who was frozen with shock. Elliot was shivering and tried to wake me up, but it felt like my eyes were glued shut. I could feel hands on my shoulders, trying to jerk me up but my body didn’t stir, the only sign I was alive was my faint breathing. The witch placed her delicate hand on my forehead and I could feel the charms on her bracelet hit it softly, and two hit straight into my eyes. They welled with tears and I blinked, being able to now open my eyes.

“B-Brian?” I blinked as he stroked my cheek. He hugged me tight and I sobbed into him, being able to hold him again because he was real. He was back again, and I had a chance to be happy. He held me tight in his arms and I felt a wave of uncertainty pass through my body, like I was unsure as to what my feelings were telling me. Nonetheless, I nuzzled into him even though he was freezing cold, but I guessed that would be because we just brought him back from the dead. However his face seemed void of expression, or any that I could make out. “Are y-you ok?” I asked, a frown taking my smile down with it.

The witch seemed to reply for him, her eyes looking sad. I looked up at her still holding him tight, but Elliot and Damien seemed to look down and avoid my eye contact. My mind was a mix with confusion and sadness, and anger because they weren’t answering or talking to me. I felt myself being yanked off of Brian by Elliot, and his bloody hand left a red handprint on my shirt where he had pulled me back.  I vigorously walked at the handprint but it seemed to soak into the shirt immediately, which made me tear up even worse. It wasn’t very long before I couldn’t see anymore, everything was a big blur.

“He doesn’t remember anything, and looks physically unstable. He’s been gone longer than the time before they just turn to dust again. If you resurrect someone within a day of them dying, they will be like how they were in life. After that it’s just a bad idea. I’m sorry, but I warned you” the witch sighed, standing up from her spot. She held the book just under her arm, before there was a large amber glow. I covered my eyes knowing I wasn’t going to like the result.

“Leila” a soft voice spoke, and it seemed almost like the wind itself. It seemed heavenly in this place of demons, but almost too sticky sweet to be true. I couldn’t tell my imagination from reality anymore, and that was my first sign of certain insanity. I felt a gentle push on my shoulder, which made me want to open my eyes, even though the light would surely make me blind. It made me want to be blind though, because then maybe I could truly see.

“Leila, open your eyes” it whispered again, its voice like honey and heavenly like an angel’s. “Leila, I want to see your beautiful eyes before I leave” it spoke again, and a smile took hold of my lips and forced it into a smile. Everything was so sweet it felt as though I was being drizzled with syrup and sugar was falling from the sky. I opened my eyes, blinking slightly as if snow was touching my eyelashes. I smiled properly for the first time in what seemed like years, and the tears streamed happily down my face.

There stood Brian, like the Brian I remembered. He was perfect, and seemed like an angel with his presence. He seemed to glow with light. Everything else ceased to exist to me, and I was wrapped up in the perfect embrace. One last fading hug from my angel. “Hey, don’t cry” he smiled, unable to wipe my cheeks because he was already fading. I couldn’t let him fade, but we all knew that everyone had a time when they had to go, and I knew that with his good nature that he had no problems to watch out for. He was the angel that had guided me throughout my whole life, and the one that would give me hope.

“I know that you’ll miss me, and I know that times will be hard for you. I know how strong you are though, which is the quality I loved best. You were always there for everyone in the house, and everyone loved you, and everyone will. I have a lot of confidence when I say that you will have a good life because you are a good person. I have never loved someone as much as I loved you, but I know that you will not go without being loved. You were my light when there was nothing but dark, when I was too ignorant to open my eyes. I don’t want to leave, but I know you’ll always think of me. Don’t forget me, I don’t want to be a memory that is better off forgotten” he said, rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand. I couldn’t feel anything, so the tears just streamed freely.

“I’ll never forget you, how could I? I promise never to forget for as long as I live” I sobbed, and he blew me a kiss before he faded completely. The light disappeared and it was night once more. Elliot hugged me as I sobbed into his chest, while Damien and the witch simply walked off. I cried until the only hours of the morning when I noticed a star twinkle. It was a bright gold colour.

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