Chapter Twenty One

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I sat on the window seat, by the window that gave the best view of the gardens. The grass was now dying and the air burning hot. It was like the world knew of the bloodshed that was going to soak up and it was scared, and this was how it reacted. The place of war would be the disused battle grounds about twenty miles from the castle. The humans like us would be able to easily travel to Victus because the link was now open, instead of being shut like normal. I could picture the dusty ground being full with life, full of fighting, full of death.

I seemed lost today. My head was pounding from the inside out and my body felt like it had been beaten up. I checked my arms and legs to find no evidence of that. I was just really, really tired. I pulled my greasy hair back into a ponytail and sighed, bringing my knees up to my chest. I saw something amber fly towards the window, which made me blink. It smashed through, impaling shards of glass into my leg. I picked up the arrow and blew the flame out.

A flaming arrow was the least of my problems. I picked every single shard out of my leg and used my spare shirt to wrap it up so that it could absorb the bleeding. I pushed down and winced as more blood flowed out. After it had stopped bleeding, I tied the shirt tightly around it and looked at the stupid arrow that had caused it all. It had a note wrapped around it, which made me feel like I was stuck in the ancient past of delivering messages through flaming arrows. I took the note off it and unwrapped it.

We may just be food to you, but trust me, us humans have come a long way since the last war. Our weapons are futuristic compared to yours. We will arrive sometime in the next two days so I hope you are ready. Be ready, because we have the perfect weapon. One of yours.

I was really confused as to what side I was meant to fight on. I was not a vampire so that ruled out Carter’s side, but I was not a war loving person either. I guess I have to fight with the humans. I walked back to the room I was given here and packed up my stuff. I didn’t have a lot of stuff so it didn’t take a lot of time. I sighed as I realised how inexperienced I was at fighting and how I wish I paid attention in training.

I left the note from the arrow on the edge of my bed, knowing one of the servants would find it sooner or later. I picked up my stuff and pulled on my coat, flinching slightly as the end of the stake caught my skin. I felt it tear slightly and my eyes watered. I don’t know how much more pain my body could go through. My emotions were all over the place and my body was not fit to even function properly. I knew that my ill bandaged cuts would soon get infected, and that would be the end of poor little Leila.

Three loud knocks. When I say loud, I mean loud. Three pounding, ear splitting knocks of pure impatience, at my door. I groaned and opened it, pulling my hair back into a straggly ponytail that was messy and rushed. I pulled on a fake smile because inside my blood was boiling. “Hi Drella” I smiled, picturing myself strangling her, as you do. I shook myself from my daydream to see that she was wearing more modest clothes than she usually did. She was wearing a pink dress with purple tights and trainers, and she had a fraction of her usual make up on.

“Hi Leila” she smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. No matter how much I struggled, I couldn’t break free. She forgot that her hugs were bone-crushing and I cringed as she pushed my ribs in with her arms. I frowned and she finally let me go from her death grip, causing me to gasp for air. What was with her today? Usually she would take pleasure in seeing me hurt or even dead. Maybe it was because I was finally leaving her company. I couldn’t mess things up with her and Elliot anymore. With a sigh I handed her the note, then carrying my box of stuff I walked out of the room for the last time. My eyes soon stung with tears but I walked to the main doors of the castle, and I wondered whether I should say goodbye or not.

Don’t say goodbye, just go before they kill you. After all, you’re not on their side anymore. With war, you can’t just spare people who will turn against you

My thoughts were right. The people I may have been close to calling my friends would turn against me in an instant. I had no hope here. Out into the battlefield, where my only hopes lay. I pulled the large doors open and picked up my little box of stuff, before walking out into the harsh sunlight. The doors slammed shut behind me and I knew I would never be welcomed back. I had more chance of becoming a vampire myself. I knew that would never happen, I would rather die myself than become a soulless bloodthirsty monster.

I walked forward, just walking straight as far as I could see. I regretted wearing such a heavy coat because of how hot it was. I took one look back at the castle, and where I sat only an hour ago, in the window. I wiped my nose and walked backwards for a few paces, before bumping into somebody. They were dressed in what seemed to be an army uniform and I struggled, running away as fast as I could.

It was like I was running through my own past as I ran past faces that belonged buried in my memories. I fell to the floor when I reached what appeared to be a training ground for the slayer/human half of the war. I couldn’t help but cry as to how pathetic I had become, running away from everyone again. I was fed up of running but it seemed to be what I did best, always running instead of staying to sort out problems that I’d created.

There was a sharp kick to my shoulder, which shot pain throughout my whole body. “Is she like, crazy or something?” one of the burly guys asked, chuckling as he watched me curl up in pain. The other guy, who was considerably thinner shrugged and nudged me with his boot, rather than full on kick me, and frowned. “What the hell are you frowning for?” the burly guy laughed, pushed his friend on the shoulder, causing him to stumble. I managed to read the more caring one’s name badge. His name was Tommie.

The name rang a bell, but I decided that I had never met him before. I winced as the area where I’d been kicked began to bruise. I sat up, whimpering softly because of the pain. Tommie helped me up and looked at me, twirling me slightly. He looked at the stake that I was holding tight and smiled. “She’s one of ours, we could use her help” he smiled, looking at the burly guy. He shrugged and looked back at his somewhat delusional friend.

“If you can train her in the three days that we have before we attack, then we keep her. If not, we kill her” he replied, before walking off. I shook as Tommie thrust a uniform into my arms. I shook my head in disagreement. I would never take part in this violence. I guess I had no choice. He looked at me then the uniform then back up at me.

“Well change then” he sighed, folding his arms impatiently. I swallowed and looked around at everyone, shaking my head fast. I was not getting changed in front of all of these people, but I met the eyes of a few women. It made me a tad less uncomfortable knowing they would’ve had to do the same. I quickly changed to a few gasps with all the cuts and bites. It brought me to tears seeing how bad my body actually was, so I quickly pulled the uniform on and pulled my trainers on. They were now battered and stained with blood. Tommie looked at me with sadness, but I didn’t want to be pitied.

“Why do you have to start a war anyway? I know there is an underlying grudge between the two races but that doesn’t explain why there has to be a war now, you do realise most of you will die? They’re a lot stronger than any of our weapons” I sniffed, facing everyone. It was the last time I spoke up, as I was kicked straight in the stomach by another muscled man. Anyone who spoke up was soon taught the error of their ways. I clutched my stomach as it began to bleed.

But then I remembered everyone who had died, and I knew that I had a duty to avenge their deaths. I had no choice but to undergo this training. The heat was starting to get to me, and sweat beaded on my face. I wiped it away using the back of my sleeve as they escorted me to where the slayers were staying. It was like camping, there were a few tents under the trees. I suppose this could be ok, if I thought of it as a simple camping trip, just with a bit of fighting at the end.

I was thrown into a tent, and as I looked up I met the eyes of two girls. They whispered to each other and prodded me, I flinched as they prodded straight into the purple bruise on my side. One smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll look after you. My name is Helena. This is my best friend, Sally” the one with dark hair smiled, introducing her friend. I swallowed and sat up slowly, wincing.

“My name is Leila” I shook slightly, I wasn’t very good with new people.

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