Frosty days

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how do most people start these things? 

Ummm......Well, my names (Y/N) (L/N) and I wouldn't say I was an outcast or popular. I  was the type to blend in with the crowd. My life was a simple one with little direction and no destination. I get mostly above average grades due to my overachieving parents with high expectation for me. I would love to see the world but life isn't something you can just take random leaps through. You can only take one step at a time. 

"Miss (Y/N) instead of day dreaming, you would benefit from paying attention."  

That was my history teacher, she interrupting my kind thought of a better life. I mean she should understand why I don't listen right.  As boring as she was to listen to I'd just zone out waiting for that sweet bell to ring. 

It's winter right now and it snows here every day. I love the big coats you get to wear and the warm fires with marshmallows. The crazy snowball fights with the next door neighbors. But alas being in high school does not require a thing such as fun, where stuck with essay's, exams and just plain old high school. Yeah, great swap out. I would love to be a kid again or someone with enough money to have fun with their life. Unconsciously drawing in my book and repeating the words I'm bored in bold letters my teacher decided to scare me half to death by slamming her book on my desk before continuing her lecture. With the luck I have, I'd be able to make it to second period.

I slammed my locker shut. If I was to describe my life in one word it would be uneventful, boring or just too normal. I wanted the exciting life, but that doesn't happen in a normal life. 

Stepping out of the school's gates I held onto my coat tighter from the sudden burst of wind and continued down the snowy path home

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Stepping out of the school's gates I held onto my coat tighter from the sudden burst of wind and continued down the snowy path home.  I watched as the snow fell to the ground in front of me, It's not like I don't like walking home it just always ends in me slipping over because I have perfect balance. Using a street light I spun around the corner of my street and with a flash I bearly dodged a snowball to the face.

"What I missed?" I saw the little sad face of my neighbor Daniel. He was around the age of 7 and had a little crush on me from what I could tell from the constant hugs and snowballs he would try to hit me with. I walked up to him and ruffled his hair.

"Better luck next time." I smiled as I walked to my house. 

"Are you able to play with me today?" 

Letting out a sigh I shook my head. "Sorry, but you know how my parents are." 

"Yeah, there just big meanies." He pouted grabbing my hand. I laughed as we were almost to my house. 

"That's why I was going to ask Jack to freeze them and then we can play in the snow all day." I laughed even more.

"Wow, I haven't heard that name in a while." We stopped at the gate of my house. 

"Now there will be no need for jack to freeze my parents.....For I have my own powers........The power of persuasion." I did a heroic pose at the end to make him laugh. I waved him goodbye before walking inside. 

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