shining light...

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Ow, my head hurts, what happened. I had a massive headache. I opened my eyes to a black void. I was floating around.

"What am I dead!" I whined as I looked around.

"I thought the afterlife you be different to this?" I sighed still seeing nothing.

"I can ashore you that you're not dead." I looked around confused still no person could be seen.

"Then where am I?" I floated there waiting and thinking.

"Inside your unconscious mind It's normally hard to get to this mind space but I brought you here."

"Why......" I whispered knowing the person could hear me either way.

"To give you a gift. I can tell you now that your relationship with Jack will last and I'm going to give you the gift of immortality." My eyes widened what was he talking about.

"This gift will awaken after your mortal passing by age or natural courses. You will remain in the same form as you are now but will age on the inside."

"But what will happen when my friends age?"

"All others will see you age but you and the guardians will not."

"Question how do I know you're telling the truth?" I crossed my arms this sounds like a very unlikely story. I know there are so many things I don't know but this is stretching it.

"I'll give Jack something to give you and this." It appeared on my right hand a light blue glowing ring. It shone so brightly, It looked just like the drop of water that fell from the sky.

"It's time for me to go now....." The darkness started to fade.

"Wait what's your name?" It was starting to disappear and a wooden room came into my vision.

"Manny." Was the last thing I heard.

I shot up and looked around.

"(Y/N) you're awake!" I was tackled into a cold hug. This soon joined into a kiss. I was shocked but kissed back anyway.

"Jack let (Y/N) breath." I laughed. But soon stopped.

"Did get something, Jack. Like umm I don't know a....."

"A necklace?" He opened his hand and showed a necklace that matched the ring and it had a diamond the same glowing colour as the water droplet.

"He said that he would give you something." I breathed and looked down at the ring. It was still there, my eye widened it was all true.

"Who said that?" I looked at everyone.

"Manny." They were all stuck for words. I assumed that he was not one to talk often.

"What else did he say to you?" I looked over at Santa.

"That he gave me the gift of immortality but only after I dye as human." I swung my legs over the bed I was sitting on.

"I'll go tell the others." Santa left the room and shut the door behind him. Jack held my hand.

"You scared me for a while, I mean when you passed out." He pulled me into a hug and I held onto the back of his hoodie.

"Jack," I spoke and he hummed in response, I pulled out of the hug and left our foreheads touching.

"He also said something else." I started blushing.

"That our relationship is going to last." He smirked at me.

"And why wouldn't it?" This made me laugh a little. I felt a cold chain around my neck I looked down to the glowing necklace that just went past my collar bone.

"Beautiful." I looked up at him and shyly smiled. He held my chin and lightly kissed me.

This day couldn't get any better. 

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