It has to be over

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I stood, I've been here for too long and I got a few texts from mum asking where I was. I stared down at my phone and then back to Jack who was almost asleep. It was around 11 at home, I sighed. I don't want to leave. 

"You should get going, we'll take care of Jack." I saw north standing over by the couch that Jack was sleeping on holding a snow globe. I nodded and grabbed my things and walked through the portal. Standing in front of my house and the dark sky above it. I breathed out and watched my breath fog up the sky before disappearing. A light was turned on and mum came out. 

"Oh my god (Y/N) where have you been?" Mum came out in her p.js hugging the daylights out of me. 

"And you've been crying, what happened?" She examined my face. 

"Uhh nothing mum I just got something in my eyes on the way here and teared up." She only sighed and took me inside. 

"I won't push you to tell me, but maybe think of a better lie next time." She smiled and let me walk up to my room. I was too tried to even retaliate. Dad must still be at work, which is good. Unlike mum, he would have called the police. I turned the doorknob and walked into my cold room. I left the window open. I fell to my bed...... It's all over. 

  The next day school was back, great. 

I got my things and walked out the door, but what I wasn't expecting was Sarah to be standing there almost crying

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I got my things and walked out the door, but what I wasn't expecting was Sarah to be standing there almost crying. I was tackled into a hug and patted her back. 

"So is everything ok now?" She sniffed on my coat. 

"Yeah I think so." I dosed off looking over to Ryan standing at the end of my driveway. 

"What are you doing here?" I yelled over at him who was looking at his phone. 

"I told mum to drop me off here, we were worried about you." I smiled at the two of them. 

"What are we standing here for lets go!" I shouted and put my fist in the air moving forward. We walked along the path towards the school and then it dawned on me. 

"Where's James?" I questioned the both of them, Sarah stared at the ground while Ryan scratched the back of his head. 

"We uh told him about this morning but he didn't want to go." Ryan said and I was just confused.

"No offence to him but he's been a bit gloomy lately." Sarah spoke up. 

"Yeah, I've noticed that too, it's really been since....." Ryan stopped and I froze. It was my fault, because I never let him tell me how he really feels. Damn it. I sighed, I just hope he's at school today. 


First class science, he should have been in his seat in front of me and Sarah with Ryan but he wasn't there. 

Second English Ryan's in my class but no James. 

Third class Maths and still no James. It came to lunch and no one knew where James was, Ryan even called his mum and she said that he went to school. We were sitting on our normal bench trying to work this out. 

"I'm sure he's just skipping, he's done it before?" Sarah tried to pull off a convincing question but it only made me worry more. 

"No, it can't be that." I sighed.

"The last time he did that he was grounded for a month." James added and I lightly nodded my head. 

"What if he's hurt?" I whispered to no one in particular. Sarah put her hand on my shoulder. 

"We should go look for him." But where do we even look? He could be anywhere. 

"(Y/N) are you listening?" I jumped and looked at Ryan. 

"I said I'll check his house and Sarah will check the shops." I nodded.

"You'll go check the lake." I blinked.

"Why would he be there?" He only shook his head and smiled.

"It's a hunch." I agreed. We all had a free after lunch so no one would really know if we were gone. 


I went home to put everything but my phone in my room so I didn't have to lug anything with me. The sky was clouded and dark. A storm was coming, I locked the door and ran off to the lake, even if I run it's still a long way. I came to the opening of the forest we always take. I could see a think dark glow coming from the direction of the lake. My eyes went wide. I sprinted through the snow as fast as I could. I wish Jack was here. I kicked a chunk of snow in front of me as I scaled the snow covered path. The dark glow grew more as I got closer and looking up to the sky grew into a dark grey. Almost as if it was 

"Pitch black." I whispered as I made it to the lake. It was surrounded by a thick fog that circled around from the centre of the lake to me who stood two meters away. I breathed heavily as I scanned the area. My gaze went up to the sky once more to see a tube of dark matter that went to the centre of the lake, I squinted my eyes and saw someone standing in the middle of it. James. On his knees, I heard a cry for help and a snap. 

"James, James I'm here!" I shouted hoping he would hear. His body shifted and looked over at me, I could only just see through the thick dark almost sand like structure around him. But it wasn't the normal light hazel glow of his normal kind eyes. Pure dark hollow looking eyes with no emotion stared at me. tear stains ran from his eyes down onto his red hoodie. Skin almost looking blue from the cold his body was exposed to. I took a step forward only for him to stand holding the sides of his face and gripping onto his hair. 


My eyes grew even wider. What happened to him? 

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