The unspoken truth

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I sat outside the cafe' waiting for Sarah, Ryan, and James with a hot cup of chocolate. 

I took a deep breath in and out and watched as my hot air disappeared into the cold air. Where the hell are they. I sighed and looked at behind me again. I could be studying right now. 

"Excuse me miss but would you like to come inside, it's quite cold out here." A lady smile over my table I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine thank you." And I smile back. A pair of hands were placed on my shoulders.

"hey, Sarah." I grinned and turned around. She frowned and I watched the lady walk off.

"You were meant to jump or scream." She pouted and sat on the other side of the table. I checked behind her to see no one else.

"Wheres the others?" I asked looking around then back down to my cup.

"This is a girls day out!" She shouted, I flinched and looked as the same lady from inside of the cafe' looking oddly at Sarah.

"Quite down it was just a question." I grit my teeth. She grabbed my hot chocolate. I sighed and watched her drink the rest. 

"Help yourself," I whispered crossing my arms.

"Come on let's go!" I quickly stood up and pulled her away from the cafe'. What is with her today. I watched her skip ahead.

"Did you stay up all night drinking coffee?" I raised an eyebrow at her, she turned back and smiled.

"Maybe." I rolled my eyes and she continued to run ahead until she slipped on some ice. Of course, I laughed my head off walking over to her.

"Just calm down a little ok." I laughed whipping some tears away helping her up. 

"Yeah fine." She sighed and stood up. We walked across the street to the shops. It was all fine until we walked past a lingerie' store. I didn't take much thought into it and until I was halted by a tug on my arm. 

"What is it, Sarah?" I looked back to the story. She had an evil look in her eye, I quickly moved my hand away from her and sprinted away. I could hear her chasing me. I skidded around the corner and heard her almost slip. 

"Don't you want to wear something nice for Jack" She questioned with something sinister in her eye.

"I'm not going in there!" I shouted taking a step back. She stood from the ground and cracked her knuckles. I've broken her. I ran across the road to the park on the other side.  She was on my tail. I jumped the few bushes that stopped people from going into the park and she followed me. I ran around a corner and saw a bunch of kids.

 I ran around a corner and saw a bunch of kids

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I run behind a tree and breathed heavily. I saw the kids faces like 'WTF' then Sarah came panting looking around. Why is she so convinced I need lingerie'. The kids looked at the tree I was behind and Sarah. She got the hint and I could hear her getting closer. What to do? What to do? Out of the few seconds I had left before she would drag me back to that stupid store I threw a snowball straight at her face. Everyone froze before everyone started laughing, you know other than Sarah still a little shocked by what just happened. She moved the snow off her face. I was still laughing when I felt some snow on my shoulder. I looked over to one of the around 8-year-old boys and glared.

"You're going to get it now." I spoke slowly picking up another bunch of snow and throwing it at him. Sarah just stared at what I started. I threw another ball at her and pulled her forward.

"Come on." I smiled she rolled her eyes only to be hit by another snowball. I laughed and went back. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Ryan and James walking on the path right next to the park. I threw a snowball there way and it just hit Ryans shoulder. He looked over to us a little confused.

"Hey over here!" I shouted at the two of them


The sun was setting and everyone was half dead, but for some kid still running around the park. I sat up.

"All I wanted to do was get some nice lingerie'." Sarah whined still looking at the sky. Both Ryan and James looked at her weirdly and looked at me.

"Hey, it was her idea. If I didn't run when I did." I shook my head. We all stood up and started to walk back home. Ryan and Sarah were walking ahead. I squinted my eyes looking at the two of them.

"Are they a thing now?" I asked James walking closer to him so the others didn't hear. 

"Yeah I think so, Ryan was talking about Sarah all day before we met up with you." I smiled. Ryans house was first, he waved by and we continued to walk.

"So you fell for the game loving nerd." I questioned Sarah and she blushed.

"Is it that obvious." I nodded and laughed. Sarah's house was next. She waved the two of us goodbye.
Both me and James walked in silence for some time.
"So how's it going with Jack?" He asked not looking directly at me.
"It's great." I smiled blushing a little. I looked down at the ground as we walked along to snow covered path. It was a little while longer before we reached my house. It was only just past 8 so mum and dad shouldn't be at home. 

"This is my stop." I breathed out and walked away from James. It was like time had stopped at that moment. Everything was almost as it was still. I reached for the keys in my bag making it to the door but to feel a hand grab to my wrist pinning me to the door. I stared wide eyed as I watched James bring his face closer to mine. Not having any time to react before his lips touched mine.

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