Untitled Part 4

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Waking up to the beautiful sound of my alarm I slammed it to shut it up.

Doing the normal in the morning such as haveing a shower getting changed 

Doing the normal in the morning such as haveing a shower getting changed 

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 and having breakfast. Heading out at 8:02. The frosty air hit my skin and I watched as my breath disappeared shortly as it escaped my mouth. A perfect day, except for the part of school. Walking along the snow-filled path tapping in time with the music I was playing, I made my merry way to school. People didn't really know who I was, but a small group of people I call friends, however......

"(Y/N) darling, how is your fine self this frosty morning." Sarah and her fake British accent.

" Oh, you know the normal." She frowned.

"come on you're meant to follow along." She whined in my ear.

"Pardon me, but I would reframe from putting a hand on my shoulder." I mincing her accent. That got her to laugh.

"You too seem to be in a good mood this morning." Bumping into me. That was James.

"Why James,shale you join us on our stroll to school." He laughed at me and once again Linking my arms to my friends.

"Did you guys finish the homework for chemistry." Sarah pointed out.

I was going to say something but James stopped me.

"Yeah, we all know you finished your homework." James committed, this making me huff I pulled away from the two and spun around walking backwards.

"Then you shouldn't gesture to everyone." I stuck my tongue out.

We walked the rest of the way to school blabbering about whatever came to mind. The normal for our group. Then we saw Ryan get out of his mum's car. James ran at him and tackled him. Me and Sarah laughed walking past the two, I stepped a foot under them making them fall.

"(Y/N) I see that all the boys fall for you." I shoved Sarah. We all looked at each other before laughing our heads off. Then the bell went.

"Curse you, you stupid bell!"

"It's really a love and hate relationship with you and that bell isn't it." Ryan laughed getting off the ground.

"Yes, it's been difficult lately." I wiped fake tears from my eyes.

We then all headed to our first classes.

On Fridays, I spend my night with daniel because his parents go out. When I got home I saw him already there waiting with Jack.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He ran at me and hung around my neck.

"Wow, you sure are excited."

I walked him toward the door.

"You sure are making it hard for her to open the door," Jack smirked while leaning on the side of the house.

"And your not helping." He laughed at me just able to open the door of the house. After the door was swung open Daniel got off me and ran through my house. I laughed at his excitement. I put my things down on the dresser. I looked at Jack staring at me.

"You coming in?" I clicked my fingers in front of him and he was shot out of his day dream.

"Yeah...yeah." He flew in the door before I shut it.

"You sure know how to take your time." I giggled walking into the TV room seeing Daniel setting up the movie. I let out a sigh.

"Isn't it a bit early to watch the movie?"

"It's never too early to watch (whatever movie you like)!" He yelled.

"Ok, I'm not getting out of this." I sighed to myself. I heard Jack laugh at the conversation.

"Well, I guess I'm getting the popcorn." I lightly waved heading to the kitchen.

I grabbed the packet of popcorn from the cabinet and chucked it into the microwave.

"You don't seem to be the one in charge." I turned to see Jack looking around the kitchen.

"It's normally like this, I just wanted to stay outside a little while longer before it gets dark. I've been inside too long." I Sat up on the bench.

"So you like the winter?" He seemed interested in the conversation. I Nodded my head.

"yep,it's my favourite season." I smiled at him. I didn't notice how close he was until I could feel his cold breath on my skin.

"And what would you like about winter?" I looked up at him flustered I didn't know what to say.

"Where's the popcorn (Y/N)!" Daniel yelled. Both Jack and I snapped out of it and I quickly grabbed the popcorn and pushed Jack to the couch.

The movie had already started. Jack came to sit next to me.

"Go away she's mine!" Daniel screamed and sat in between us and clung onto my arm. I laughed while Jack seemed a little annoyed.

About half way through the movie Daniel was out like a light. I sat up and moved him to lay down and put a blanket over him.

"I knew this would happen," I whispered taking my hand off the blanket. I looked over to see Jack in the same situation. I let out a sigh. I found another blanket and did the same thing for him before heading to the kitchen to cook dinner. I spent around an hour making (favourite food). Serving it up onto the kitchen table to hear.

"Wake up......Wake up Jack, (Y/N) made food!" I could tell that he didn't want to get up but soon after I could hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Hey, sleepyheads," I called out and turning to see a bright eyed Daniel and the white haired male rubbing his left eye. Looking quite hot might I add, how ironic. I shook those thought's out of my head and continued to place the food on the table. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jack staring at me. 

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