The first date!

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"Hey Sarah, do you like anyone?" I quietly spoke looking over at the snow that fell outside.

"Ha, that's unlikely, whats up with you?" She stopped for a moment to watch me shrug I could feel her staring at me. I felt her turn me around and grabbed me by the collar lifting me in the process.

"who is he and is he hot!" The whole class looked at us good thing the teacher went out. Still holding me by the collar waiting for an answer, she drew her eyes closer, they did say eyes are windows to the soul.

"Wow, way to be low key." I pushed her off me and sat back down. I sighed looking through the test we just got back 100%.

"But seriously who is it?" I sat close to me. I've never had a love life and I've spent hours listening to her talk about random famous people she thinks is hot and stuff like that. I never contributed to the conversations. Now that I have someone in mind that I might date she wants to know and now.

"And you weren't serious before?" I raised my eyebrow at her and she shook my arm.

"Just tell me!" She kept shaking me until...

"What the hell are you two talking about?" James leant over from his desk in front of us with Ryan.

"Yeah, and what's with (Y/N) having a love interest?" Ryan smirked at the thought. The two stared at me along with Sarah.

"I don't want to go into detail but I'm meeting him after school today." Sarah again grabbed my collar.

"But what's the name, the guy's name is the most important thing!" Most of the people in the class got used to our loud talking well mainly Sarah's burst of voice attacks.

"His name is Jack, Now shut up." This only made her squeal.

"All Jack's are hot... I'm so happy for you!" She wrapped me in a hug. I looked at the guy's that were trying not to laugh at me mouthing 'help me'.

"How long have you known him?" James questioned me.Sarah stopped and listened inattentively.

"Ummm about 5 days." They all stared thinking I was joking.

"Next question have you kissed him?" Ryan Squinted his eye's.

"Uh, what if I said yes." Both of the guys face planted.

"Don't be an idiot (Y/N), he's using you. I bet in a weeks' time he will get you in bed." James whispered the last part.

"He's not like the normal idiot's at our school James, in any case, I know how to handle myself." They all looked concerned for me but we didn't get to finish the conversation because the teacher walked in. I'm happy that conversation was over. I wonder what they would say if they found out that he was the winter spirit Jack frost.


We walked out of the school gates of the school and I saw Jack waiting at the school gate. They were talking to me about how this is not a good idea.

"You know he's just using you, right?" Ryan walked through jack.

"And I told you his a good person." I smiled at jack and he shot a death glare at Ryan.

"That's what you think now until you wake up and his gone with what he wanted." James held up his hands in the shape of a v. Jack made the ice around him turn to ice and he slipped. Me and Sarah cracked up laughing.

"Haha that's what you get, karma got you good." Sarah laughed. Then she turned to me and gave me a hug.

"I know you and you can handle yourself, but if you can't handle a broken heart whenever in this relationship you can always call me ok." I nodded my head and I let go.

"Ok, I'm off now. Cya." I waved walking off. James only just got off the ground and Ryan was already on the school bus. I turned and began walking off.

"Sorry about my friends." I sighed.

"Na it's fine but what were you all talking about?"

"When I told them about you they went a little overdramatic with what you wanted from me." He looked at me and this made me laugh from his knowledge on the subject.

"What, come on tell me." He whined grabbed my hand as we walked.

"I'll tell you when your older." I laughed and he turned us down into the frost.

"And where would we be going?" He smirked at me.

"I'll tell you later." He stopped and poked his tongue out getting out what looked like a snow globe. I looked at him confused as he smiled at me.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded my head slowly and with that he threw it to the ground and held me by the waist as we jumped through. I gripped onto his hoodie to make sure I didn't fall to the ground. I lifted my head up and my mouth dropped.

"Surprise," Jack whispered in my ear. I was so incredibly baa.... I couldn't even get the words out. I was standing on the wooden floor of Santa's workshop.    

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