The awkard moments

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Exams were starting next week so Sarah and James were coming over to my place and I may have forgotten to mention it to James because Jack said to stay away from him as much as I can. I sighed looking down at my maths book tried out of my mind. 

"(Y/N) how do you answer this?" I looked at Sarah's maths book and tapped the page

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"(Y/N) how do you answer this?" I looked at Sarah's maths book and tapped the page. 

"You times X instead of divide." She nodded and I let out a yawn.

"It's barely been an hour and you're already tried?" I glared at Jack sitting on the couch.

"Says the guy just sitting on the couch. Can you get us some food?" I said staring at the paper. I heard a knock at the door.

"Ryan could you get the door!" I shouted hearing the toilet flush. Jack came back with some chips and sat down behind me and gave me a hug. 

"Hey, guys James is here." I went wide eyed and I felt Jack hold me tighter. James came into view and he avoided eye contact. 

"You didn't tell them?" Jack whispered to me. I felt his hands go icey on my white shirt. I shook my head.

"I didn't know what to say to them." I sighed whispering back. Jack let out a huff and grabbed my hand. I was pulled into the dining room away from the others. He gripped my hands tightly. 

"I don't think I can control my powers." I looked down at his glowing hands that were starting to ice my hands. I rubbed my thumb on the top of his hands. 

"Just calm down ok, he won't do anything while he's here," I said whispering trying to calm him down. The ice slowly went away and I let out a sigh looking back at Jack with a smile. The door opened and Sarah came into the room.

"Are you two ok?" She asked and Jack gave me the look to tell her. I nodded and looked at her.

"I need to tell you something." She nodded 

"James uhh did something." I rubbed the side of my arm. Sarah still seemed confused. 

"What happened (Y/N)?" She asked coming closer. 

"I'll be in the other room." Jack left the dining room I took a deep breath in.

"James he kissed me last week," I said looking down. Sarah hit her forehead and walked out of the room. I was stumped for words, what kind of reaction was that. I was about to walk forward only for her to came back with Ryan in hand. Pushing him into the room she shut the doors.  

"Ok, Ryan will you please tell us what you told James to give him the balls to kiss a girl who already has a boyfriend." She practically shouted at him. He stood behind me almost shaking. 

"Wait he kissed who!" He looked at me for answers.

"Me last week no---" I could finish because he hit his forehead.

"I didn't think he would take me seriously." He sighed out almost looking as if he was going to kick something. 

"What did you say?" Sarah asked him. Ryan looked over at her and shook his head.

" Before (Y/N) threw that snowball at us the day at the park he was talking about how he knew you wouldn't ever fall for him with Jack in the picture." 

"And what did you say back?" I said leaning on the corner of the table.

"That he should at least tell you and a kiss goodbye. The last bit was a joke I even laughed about it with him. I guess he took me seriously."  I crossed my arms.

"People need to stop listening to your advice," Sarah said to him with a sigh.

"That's what I tell people!" He shouted. I laughed a little. Before we all hear a shout in the other room. Ryan ran out followed by me and Sarah. 

"And you thought that after you kiss her it's alright to come back here!" A shout from Jack, I pushed through both Ryan and Sarah in front of me into the TV room. 

"Stop it you too!" I stood in between the two boys. James Grabbed his coat and workbooks. 

"It's fine I was leaving anyway." He said with a huff slamming the door shut. 

"I'll go talk to him." Ryan offered going after him. This is all turning into a huge mess. I sat on the couch and thread my hands through my hair. 

"Wow, this study day went so well," Sarah whispered to herself. I glared over at her and went upstairs to my room. I sat on my desk chair and saw Ryan stop James before he made it past my driveway. I let out another sigh. A pair of cold hands sat themselves on my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry I got a little out of hand." He whispered setting his head on the top on mine. 

"Yeah, just a little?" I puffed my cheeks staring at the snow on my open windowsill. 

"At least a didn't ice him." I turned and looked at him with a really face.

"If I wasn't there to stop you I'm sure it would have come to that." I rolled my eyes. A sudden worry came over me. I looked back out the window to see the two of them still talking. 

"Maybe I should talk to him," I said standing up I walk past Jack but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. I was still able to see the two talking outside from the angle I was on. 

"Ryan has it handled besides remember the agreement we had." I sighed and nodded. Tring to look back out Jack moved me back to him and kissed me. It shocked me at first but I kissed back either way. But out of the corner of my eye, I could see James staring right at us before walking away.

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