seeing is beleaving

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"Hey, I'm home." Hearing my voice echo throughout the house I just assumed that both parents were out. I let out a sigh. I could go back out but then..... Huff why is this such a hard desition. My phone vibrated, building my eyes with the brightness of my screen it read

'hey darling, just letting you know that me and your father are at a conference until late tonight. Just have some leftovers, make sure you do your homework before you do anything else!!'

I groaned as I walked up the stairs. Great now that's going to be on my conscious. 

(This is what your house looks like)  

after around two hours of homework, I was half dead and ready for bed, lying my head on my desk I watched as the snowflakes fell to my window falling asleep.

"(Y/N),(Y/N) wake up!" I yawned as I opened my eyes wanting to go back to sleep.

"Daniel, go away I need to sleep." I shut my eyes before jumping in my seet. 

"Wait....What Daniel how did you get in here!" I freaked out as he laughed. 

"Jack brought me up here to freeze  your parents." I let out another yawn.

"Oh yeah right, but didn't I tell you that my power of persuasion was going to work?" 

"But you never came out." He sat sadly on my bed.

"Yeah but I'm here now we can.......(I looked outside and it was dark) Maybe tomorrow when I babysit you for your parents?" I clapped my hand together and said sorry. 

"Come on I'll walk you home." I grabbed his hand and dragged him out. When he refused to go outside I picked him up and carried him.

"Hey let me go!" He started hitting my side.

"Never!" I yelled back before he slipped out of my grasp. He scrambled over behind a tree. I knew where this was going. I ran to the other side of the tree and grabbed some snow before climbing to one of the branches.When he came out ready for battle he stopped he didn't know where I was. I threw the snow I had at him then came running at him. He ran away screaming while I laughed, just as I grabbed him in a hug I saw head lights at his house. 

"Come on Daniel time for dinner.....Oh hi (Y/N)." I got off from the ground a little tired. 

"Hi Mrs. Carter......Sorry to cut things short daniel."  He smiled at me.

"But you'll be over tomorrow right?" 

"Yep and we can have ice cream and watch whatever movie you like." He hugged me. Before running over to his mum.

"Bye (Y/N), Bye Jack." I waved as I watched him walk into his house.  

I started humming a song as I walked inside. I made sure to lock the door I assumed I forgot before and daniel came through there. That just shows how forgetful people can be when tired. I walked up to my room and fell onto my bed. 

I was getting tired once again so I decided to get changed. Removing my coat then top soon after pants I was only left in my underwear and bra. The strangest thing happened my room started snowing. It took me a moment to comprehend the situation. Wait What? I wasn't outside nor where the windows open than the one thought I had in my mind was Jack.

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