It's Jack Frost

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At this point in time, I was perpetuating whether to run out of my room or stay and see what happens. Not having time to think over, a figure came towards me. Not knowing what to say I spoke the only thing that was on my mind.

"Jack....." He came closer and I could see him blushing I was confused until I noticed that I wasn't really wearing anything.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry." I frantically shoved a random hoodie that went to my upper thigh.

"No.....It was my fault for following you inside." Still blushing through the silence.

"So you're the jack frost that daniel was talking about, did you come here to freeze my parents?" I laughed a little.

"I thought you had your power of persuasion?" He lifted an eyebrow as my face dropped.

"hardy har har......Funny." I poked his forehead as I walked passed putting my school books away.

"What's all this for?" He stopped it from snowing in my room and walked over.

"Nothing fun that's for sure........Homework and a crap load of it." I shoved it all in my bag before falling on my bed.

"So Mr frost, would you care to tell me why you followed me to my room?"

"I-uh........You seemed interesting?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"And when you see an interesting person you follow them in their house and watch them get undressed?"

"Yeah.... No!... I mean...." He stopped himself from taking as I started laughing.

"You really can't take a joke can you!" I laughed harder.He got up from where he was sitting and went to the window.

"Oh did I hurt your feelings?" I pouted.

"Oh no, it's just I have to be somewhere." I saw as he flew out the window and I ran over.

"Wait, jack." He spun around giving me his full attention.

"Will I see you again?" He smirked I don't really know what about.

"Definitely!" He smiled as I waved him goodbye. And with that, he flew into the cold winter night. 

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