Untitled Part 12

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"So you're telling me after that date and gifts you didn't get into bed with him." I glared over at James eating his lunch still convinced I lost my v-card the other day with Jack.

"You're making it sound like you want that to happen." I took another bite of my apple. We were eating our lunch's under the huge tree near the edge of the school. The others have seemed to have let it go but James.

(ha no pun intended)

"Sound's to me someone's jealous." Ryan sang to James only to get a punch to his left arm. I sighed at the two fighting on the other side of the table.

"You know that he's liked you since like second grade right?" Sarah whispered to me. I nodded and sighed.

"Yeah but you would have thought he would say something." I tossed the apple in the bin.

"He just want's you to be happy and will protect you from the sidelines." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Like in every quiche' movie there is, since when did you become so enlightened in this subject." I turned back to the two rolling all over the snow field of grass. sweat dropped.

"I may have watched one too many romantic comedies last weekend." I sighed and flicked her head. And heading over to the two boys.

"And what are you doing?" Sarah questioned me.

"Stopping world war 3," I said pulling the two apart.

"Now could you two stop this lover's quarrel and make out already." I let them fall to the ground again.

"The only person James wants to make out with is you." Ryan sang and this making my eye twitch.

"What was that Ryan sam Gilmore." I grabbed a ball of snow and slammed it on his head.

After that, I was running for my life from the others. Getting snowballs thrown at me. Yep, that was my lunch time.

After lunch was the big science test. Everyone was freaking out but me. My mother made me study this all before we even we started the topic.

Taking our seats Sarah squeezed my hand.

"You'll be fine, we studied over the phone together yesterday and compared notes on the way to school," I whispered calming Sarah down after that we started the test. I was sitting on the seat next to the window and just after I finished the test with 20 minutes spare I heard a tap on the window. Jack was outside looking like we needed to talk. I gave him a questionable look and with that, he iced the window and wrote.

'we found something'

My eyes widened. I needed to get out of class.

Walking up to the front Mr. Lezli. One of the most annoying teachers at the school. Never lets his students out of class unless for an emergency. But he does have a soft spot for me since I've passed all my tests.

"Done already miss (L/N) would this be a new record." He smiled not surprised at me. I gave a fake smile back.

"It would seem so." I handed him the test. I have to think of something.

"Umm Mr. Lezli could I spend the rest of the lesson at the library to study of course." Please, Please may this work.

"Normally I would ask you to start the next topic but since you seem so determined to study you may go." Thanking him I walked back to my desk and grabbed my stuff. Sarah looked at me with a face saying You never want to study.

"Boyfriend situation," I whispered.

"So you're dating a bad boy. Love it." She stuck her tongue out and I rolled my eyes putting everything in my bag.

"I give you the details if you don't tell the boys." She beamed at the deal and with that I ran out of class.

Good thing he only showed up at the end of the day. I opened the main school doors and ran up to Jack who was waiting at the gate.

"You sure took your time." He smirked at me.

"I was in the middle of a test thank you very much, but lucky for you, you have a smart girlfriend and she finished." He only smiles before kissing my cheek.

"You were rambling." I turned and blushed. Pushing him away and started walking.

"What did you find out." I continued to walk down the path.

"That both the necklace and ring hold the same powers you will have when you become a spirit, also that some of the power will leak out when you're in danger." I looked at him then the necklace. I fiddled with the lightly glowing blue teardrop charm. Then I felt cold ice hit my head.

"Jack this is no time for games."I spat at him and he only laughed.

"Did I forget to mention it also replicates your emotions." I blinked and look down at now a Red sun shape. It must also change shape as well. How did I not notice or anyone else at that? I looked up and Jack was gone. I felt his hands at my waist I felt his chin on my shoulder. He blew on my ear this making me blush.

"See now it's a light purple." He hummed on my ear before lighting biting my left ear. It shocked me.

"Now it's a dust pink." He pulled away. Still holding me by the waist as we walked along.

"That was mean." I crossed my arms and turned my head in the other direction.

"I was only testing the theory." He said trying to reason with me.

"You enjoyed it too much," I spoke not turning to him.

"But I also know that you did as well." I blushed again making the necklace turn a light purple.

"So you're embarrass again?"

"S-shut up."

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