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I felt a lot better about this whole situation with what Jack said to me. we couldn't stay at Norths place because our parents didn't know we even had a trip to the north pole. James was staying over at Ryans place. That is normal for them, but since my parents are strict Sarah couldn't stay over. She said she would be fine and she would call if she felt the need. We gave each of them a snow globe in case they need to meet up with someone else. I was lying on my bed next to Jack half asleep. I could feel him staring at me and I lightly spoke.

"Everything ok Frosty." It bearly came out as a whisper. Hearing a slight chuckle escape from his lips I opened one of my eyes a little to catch a glimpse of his smiling face. 

"I was just thinking about beautiful and peaceful you look while you sleep." I couldn't even blush from how tired I was. using my powers is really tiring. I nodded my head and wrapped an arm around him as I drifted off to sleep. 

I'm glad it was the weekend, we decided to all get together to go Ice skating. 

I said bye to my parents and stepped out of the house

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I said bye to my parents and stepped out of the house. Feeling a cold pair of lips quickly touch I'm before curving into a smile.

"Where did you go last night, I was surprised not to see you this morning." I waved over at my friends only a few houses down from me and Jack.

"North said he needed help plan to catch Pitch so I had to leave." I nodded my head, He grabbed my hand and we stayed like that for a few short moments until the others made it to us.

"How did you go last night?" Sarah gave me a thumbs up and I smile. We made our way to the lake near my house. Talking about school and other things, making it through the snow to the frost covered lake. I haven't been here in a few years. I used to come here every day to ice skate until my parents made me stop so I could focus on school work. Jack noticed me staring out at the lake.

"Hey, are you ok?" I just nodded and got out my skates from my bag and started put them on. I heard Sarah whispering to Jack

"She used to come here all the time but her parents made her stop because her grades were dropping. She was amazing at Ice skating." I continued to put on the ice skates, mum and dad only let me go today because My grades are as high as they cane be. I sighed thinking about it. I stood up from the log and took off the big coat I was wearing and skated across the lake. 

(the first one I found wouldn't paste into the page. So here you go)

By the end my mind was so focused on my skating, realizing I was singing at the same time.  I only started to hear people cheering. Sarah smashed into me on the ice making me hold all her weight so we didn't fall.

"That was just as amazing as a few years ago!" She hung on me tight. I couldn't do it we fell onto the ice, me in more pain because she fell on top on me.

"Thanks but could you get off me." I groaned out. She slid to sit next to me as I rubbed my back in pain. I coughed a little and looked over at the three boys not really knowing what to say with their mouths wide open.

"Are you three ok?" I yelled across the lake, snapping both Ryan and James out of it. Its like they forgot I could skate. They came over Ryan almost falling a few times. 

"That was incredible!" James beamed and I smiled still looking at Ryan coming over. 

"Do you want some hel....." He held a hand in front of my face and with a serious face, he said.

"I got this." Before falling on the ice. I laughed and helped him up.

"What was that?" He stood next to me holding onto my hands before I pulled him away making him slid across the lake. 

"Remember to stay steady!" He just stared at me. 

"And how do I do that?" I laughed as he tried his best. I wondered where Jack went. I looked over at the log he was sitting at, he wasn't there. I spun around and was pulled into a hug. 

"There you are.... What's wrong?" He stayed quite for a little, Jack pulled away and a smile was on his face. 

"I had no idea you were so good at ice skating." I grinned at his comment.

"Well, I try to forget since my parents made me stop the thing I truly loved doing." I skated around with Jack for a while. I never realized how much I loved doing this. I went as fast as I could over to my friends, making them freak out a little before skidding to a stop right in front of them making ice scrap from the lake go all over them. I laughed at their shocked faces and skated away before they could do the same to me, hearing Jack laugh along with me. 


Sorry for the short chapter, I thought this was a little more fun and nice to the horrible things that have been happening. I thought they needed to relax a little. 

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