the perfect day

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What day is it today? I opened one of my eyes to be blinded by the light coming from my un-shut curtains. Quickly shutting them again I moved the covers over my head. I heard a groan beside me. I spun around seeing Jack, realizing that his arm was loosely around my waist and seeing some snow around my room. I shut my eyes again but was pulled closer towards Jack.

"Morning." He hummed still just awake. I snuggled closer in response. I heard the buzz of my phone. I almost grabbed it but for Jack to grab my hand and pull me against him. 

"I wanted to making up for the last date." I nodded and was surprised at his sudden awakeness. 

"So no phone, you're mine today." He grinned pulling me into a hug. I blushed at not only his words but it took me this long to realize that either of us had clothes on. My heart beat rose. He pulled back and kissed me. 

"What time is it?" I mumbled in the kiss. I heard my alarm go off. Witch is meant to wake me up if I sleep in too late. He shrugged still holding onto my lips. I heard a knock on the door.

"Honey are you awake?" The door handle was turned but it didn't open. 

"Yeah, I'm just getting changed." I sat up and yawned.

"Well you better hurry your friends are waiting outside."  What are they doing here. Jack sighed and started putting on his clothes, while I went to find something to wear. 

I walked out and saw Jack pouting in the corner of the room

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I walked out and saw Jack pouting in the corner of the room.

"You could ask them to leave, in the nicest way posable of course." I said brushing my hair and placing the beanie on my head. He flew out the window without a word and I walked down the stairs. Mum shoved a piece of toast in my mouth and waved my goodbye. I opened the door to see my three friends and Jack. 

"But I texted (Y/N) saying we were going out today. Right (Y/N)" She stared at me with hope glistening in her eyes. 

"I didn't get to read the message because someone took my phone from me." My eyes almost glared at Jacks. 

"You get to spend every day with her at school, so I wanted to spend the day with her today." He said dragging me past them. I looked back and I watched Sarah sigh.

"How about after lunch tomorrow we do something?" Sarah nodded, I turned back to Jack and we were already through a portal. 

I stared out at the amazing view, how does he have the time to find places like this

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I stared out at the amazing view, how does he have the time to find places like this. He pulled me along the little path to a small bench that looked new. 

"This place is amazing." I breathed lightly looking out at the sky, you could see the light seeping through the mountains. I felt an arm around my waist, I turned back from the amazing view and looked at Jack. 

"So what's happening today?" I questioned him and he brought out another snow globe.

"I'll be right back." I nodded unsurely and sat on the bench reading a text my mum sent me. 

'Your friends said you were going out on a date today. I would like to meet this mystery man when you get back.'

I sighed how is this going to work. I knew this was going to happen adventurly but why now. I placed my phone back into my bag in time to see another portal open. I stood from the seat and saw Jack come through, holding a basket and some pillows. 

"What's all this for?" I asked taking a pillow in my hand before it fell. 

"A picnic what else." He grinned at me placing everything down along with a blanket that I sat down on. I wrapped myself in another blanket, a hot cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of me. 

"Hot chocolate?" I glanced over at Jack holding a thermos in one hand and the drink in the other. 

"Thanks." I smiled holding it with two hands blowing on the steam trying to cool it down. Taking a sip it was perfect but for the burning sensation that was now on my tongue.

"Ow." I quickly spoke swallowing the hot drink down. Jack just laughed. I pouted placing the drink next to me. He said sorry but I just turned my head to the side. 

"Ok fine let me help you." I saw confused by what he said so I looked back only for him to kiss me. I was shocked but it really did soothe the stinging on my lips/tongue. I opened my mouth and the burning feeling was gone. We parted and he smirked at me. 

"Better?" He asked still sitting very close to me. I nodded and quickly grabbed the cup again. It was quite for a while the nice view of the sunset was turning darker into a star lit sky with even more stars then before. I smiled looking out and placed the now empty cup to the side. I sat closer to Jack and we curcled in the blanket together. lying down staring at the stars, Jack spoke up. 

"You know before I was Jack frost I had a loving family." I looked over at Jack.

"I had a siste, we used to do everything together. One day we went ice skating like we always did." He let out a long sigh still only staring at the night sky. 

"That was the day I became Jack frost, I saved her from drowning in the lake." After that he looked back down at me. I didn't really know what to say. Slightly smiling he moved and gave me a quick kiss. 

"I've never told anyone that." He gave me a side hug. "I'm happy it was you." I smiled back and hugged him tighter. 

"Thanks for telling me." I choked out. 

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