An almost perfect day

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Every night the dreams get worse. To the point that it shouldn't even be called a dream but a nightmare. I always wake up with Jack next to me trying to calm me down. All is useless because the person that makes those dreams is still out there. I forced myself to get up for school today, even if I'm this tired I should be fine. 

I met up with Sarah in front of her house

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I met up with Sarah in front of her house.

"Hi Sarah." I yawned. She only sighed.

"You shouldn't be going to school. Yesterday you fell asleep in class." She said as we walked along the path on the way to school. 

"But if I don't I'll be more behind then I already am." I said rubbing my eyes.  She flicked my forehead.

"You and I both know that your never behind on work." This only making me laugh awkardly.We came to James's house and he wasn't there like normal. Sarah dialed his number and no answer.

"He's not skipping." I spoke coldly as I walked up to his house and threw a snow ball at his window. I threw another and his head popped up. 

"Get out of bed!" Sarah yelled as I threw another snowball threw his window. We both heard a scream and a thud. He looked pissed as he slammed his window shut and came out 5 mintues later. 

"Sorry I slept in." He yawned. 

"Nightmares." I simply said and he nodded. 

"Why do you get normal dreams." I frowned at Sarah, she grinned and skipped ahead. 

"Shes in a good mood." James breathed out. 

"Thats because she had a good night sleep." I grit my teeth staring at her. 

We got to school and it was all the same. I had about 3 tests to catch up on but it was easy. Coming back into class a little late I slouched in my seat. I needed to rest. Ryan whispered over to me.

"Hey are you ok?" I turned and saw the same poor guy as before witching seats with Ryan. 

"Yeah I'm fine, but I don't really want to get into trubble again." I said still bearly able to keep my eyes open. Ryan sat there weighing the two thoughts he had before whispering to me. 

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" He questioned me. I shook my head and then he raised his hand. 

"Miss (Y/N) isn't feeling very well. I was wondering if I could take her to the nurse?" From my past absentes from school the teacher had to say yes. We got out of the classroom and he was pulling me in the oposite direction of the nurses office. 

"Ryan where are we going?" He didn't say anything and cotinued around the halls of the school. He burst the back doors open and we walked out to the footybenches. He sat me down and started to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" I said annoyed and a little pissed off that he would take me all the way out here just to ditch me in the middle of the footybenches. 

"Telling the nurse you went home." He simply said, I was going to get up but a pair of hands pulled me back down onto the bench. I turned to see Jack smiling down at me.

"J-Jack what are you doing here?" I studdered out.

"Sarah said you had nothing important after those tests you had so I thought we could do something." That was why Sarah was in a good mood and Ryan was in with this too. I was in a trance before he spoke again. 

"Its just we haven't been out for a while and I thought...." I stopped him by kissing his cheek.

" Sure I would love to." I smiled. He had a snow globe in his hand and threw it to the ground. We came through to 

(don't pay attention to the fact its from frozen😅)

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(don't pay attention to the fact its from frozen😅)

It was amazing I turned back to Jack and was almost laughing from my reaction. Then it came to mind.

"Is this your way to see me ice skate again?" I questioned him with the roller skates in his hands. 

"Maybe?" He smirked at me. I grabbed the ice skates from his hands and put my bag on the ground. He sat down next to me waiting for me to finish. I took off my coat and placed it with my bag and shoes. We skated around for a bit, even though I was wide awake now I didn't really have the energy to really try anything. I skidded to a stop and sat down on the edge of the lake near my stuff. 

"Are you ok?" I looked up at Jack standing in front of me. 

"Yeah just tried from the lack of sleep." I spoke. He took a seat next to me and pulled me close. 

"You can have a rest if you want." He quitely spoke in my ear. I shook my head. 

"I feel rude, we're on a date after all." He chuckled and kissed my lips. A little shocked at first I still kissed back and he pulled away. 

"Its fine....." We heard something. Both looking around we saw one of pitch's hourses and over the other side of the lake was Pitch with a forever growing smirk. He smashed the ice and jack picked me up before I could fall in. He grabbed my stuff off the ground and he had already threwn a snow globe to the ground. He looked at me then Pitch. I already knew what he was thinking.

"No Jack i'm not leaving you." I cried out. He looked sorry for what he was about to do. He kissed me once again and pushed me into the portal. Tears spilt out of my eyes.


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