Your friends

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I could not wait to see my friends at school. This means there alive and kicking. Seeing Sarah walking in front of me a spirited at her and yelled.

"Sneak attack!" And tackled her. She just managing to stand and fogged from the impact she just laughed.

"It's nice to see you too." I stood back on my two feet.

"What was that all about yesterday? I was seriously worried about you." I showed a small smile.

"I'll tell you all about it later." She groaned knowing how I am and that this may not even happen.

"Fine." I knew I should talk to them with Jack and right now he's with the others. We dropped the subject and along with it the whole conversation. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.

"(Y/N)!" Sarah yelled as I hit a lamp post.

"Oww, who put that pole there." She sighed before laughing a bit. She had to guide me the rest of the way to school.

" I think you should have some time off."

"No what are you talking about?" I waved her off.

"You called saying you were happy I wasn't dead. I mean come on (Y/N) you seem to have alot of things to work out so maybe some more sleep would help." I sighed even if that was all I needed I can't leave knowing something will happen when I'm gone. This is going to be a long day.

"You two are ok!" I ran and jumped in between the two boys struggling them.

"Why wouldn't we be?" They said in unison. I grinned and walked backwards.

"Yeah (Y/N) why do you say that?" Sarah questioned me again. I turned and continued to walk towards my English class. After a split second, they ran after me wanting answers.

I again got hit by a piece of paper to the head. I glared over to Ryan two desks to my right. He lent over the person inbetween us making me laugh alittle but held it in becasue I couldn't give in.

"Hey (Y/N) what was that all about?" I turned back and continued to write notes before another crumbled piece of paper was tossed to my face.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?!" He yelled / whispered. I only just heard him say.

"I'm commandeering your desk." He whispered to the random guy.

"What?" I looked over to Ryan shoving him to his seat and then he leant on the side of my desk.

"Are you going to fill me in?" I blinked at him and then over to the teacher who was glaring at the situation.

"Are you two done?" I laugh awkwardly and kicked Ryans chair so he fell to the ground.

"Yes." I giggled seeing Ryan quickly sit back down. She came over to our desks and glared into our souls...I mean eyes. Holy...... shes scary. This is not going to end well.

"Thanks, thanks, alot Ryan. We have to spend our lunch time cleaning the gum footy benches." I threw the snow that fell on the benches to his face.

"If you had told me what was wrong with you last night this would not be happening." He ignored me while he continued to scrape the gum up.

"Don't pin this on me!" I pointed a finger at him. Sarah and James were inside because it was snowing like crazy out here.

It was a few more minutes of cleaning before we had done the first job of many.

"What was wrong with you last night. I could tell you had been crying."He knew. I can't tell him. Not even Sarah knows what really happened.

"I...uhhhh." I sighed I don't know what to say.

"I know that winter boy had nothing to do with it because he was with you." I glared over at him.

"You sure are observant," I mumbled. I should be working but na.....I stared into the empty snow field that sat in front of me. What and when is pitch going to do something. How.......Baaa I'm going to explode. I sat there for who knows how long then I felt someone step on the bench I was on. Looking up to Ryan again he was waiting for an answer.

"What happened (Y/N). I won't tell a single soul." He held his hand to his chest. I sighed and told the story. Everything even the imortal bit. I never really did talk to either of the boys about my feelings. That was for Sarah to worry about. But with how she is telling her would only lead to more her worrying then me.

"So that was why you texted me and Sarah." I pulled my legs into my chest.

"The sad thing is I couldn't even bring myself to call James because of what happened...." I trailed off.

"Wait what happened?" I turned to him. Who does he not know?

"Didn't James tell you?" I didn't think he would keep something like this from Ryan.

"Does it look like I know. What happened?"

"He may have tried to tell me his true feelings, but I stopped him before he could. Now it's a little awkward." He was so surprised.

"I didn't think he had the balls. He should have said something to you before...."

"Don't forget I never did like him." I huffed. He has no right to pair me with anyone.

"So you're immortal." I watched as he looked towards the sky taking in all this.

"Yeah." I turned back to the field in front of me. it was quite for a while.We both just spent this time thinking about what was going to happen next.

"Don't tell the others yet and if something does happen to me you can tell them." I heard him shift.

"Don't think like that."

"That's the thing if I don't that could be the thing that ends me." He turned me so I faced him.

"You will not loose to anyone, even if you tried. Your one of..No are the smartest, talented, amazing person I have ever met. Like I said don't think like that." He pulled me into a hug. I never had anyone talk to me like that but Jack. I smiled into the hug.

"Thanks, Ryan." It's nice to know that even if you screw up that your friends will still be there for you. 

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