simple talks

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It turns out I was out for an hour. For me, it only felt like five minutes. I was taken home and now I'm just waiting for the call from Sarah.

Ring, Ring, Ring. Of course.

"Hi, Sarah." I rolled over on my bed.

"Did it go well!" She blurted out on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, it went fine, calm yourself." I really didn't know what to say, oh yeah it was great I found out that I'm immortal...... I wonder how anyone would take that.

"That's good, see I told you guys!" She shouted at someone.

"Wait did you tell your parents about my personal life again."

"It just sorta slipped out."

"I think I need to stitch up that mouth of yours."

She laughed nervously before hanging up on me. I sighed looking down at my phone.

"Really?" I threw my phone at my pillow and stuck my tongue out.


I've spent the Past few days listening to my friends asking me questions about Jack. It does make sense but they should just give it a rest.

Walking home with them isn't fun either.

"Is he good looking?" Sarah questioned me for the thousandth time.

"Aren't you getting tired of asking the same question....(sigh) and yes he is." Squealing in my ear I blocked my ears with my fingers.

"But what about this." She paused and grabbed onto my arm pulling me closer. "Is he a good kisser." I pushed her off me blushing and refusing to answer her.

"Oh, I see..... Well, I'm sure one day you'll be dying to tell me." She giggled walking into her drive. I sighed again and continued walking home.

"What have a got myself into?" I breathed in the cold air to fill my lungs.

"So am I a good kisser?" I jumped at the sudden noise. I puffed my cheeks.

"Not telling." I could hear Jack smirk. I picked up my pace a little. Stepping onto the frozen steps of my house.

"That's so rude I'm hurt." I just rolled my eyes opening the house door. Mum and dad both were away at a conference and I was left alone for a week.

"Come on you can tell me." I started ignoring him as I walked up the stairs.He flew beside me.

"Why won't you tell me?" Jack whined behind me grabbing onto my hand as I made it to the second floor.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just I can't." I walked into my room, Jack still holding onto my hand, holding it  a little tighter he spun me around so I faced him.

"And why not?" He whispered to me as our foreheads slightly touched. I bit my lip.

"Because before you I had never had a boyfriend let alone been kissed before.......... even so." I blushed and averted my eye's from his.i heard a slight laugh come from his lips so I looked up.

"Even so." He brushed his lips against mine. Making my legs go a little weak. I tried to move forward but he pushed back.

"Answer and get a reward." He smirked knowing he got to me.

"Even so the feeling I have when we kiss I know I can't feel with anyone else." I looked back at him guessing to see a normal smirk that always seems to be planted on his face but only to see him blushing at my words, this making me blush more. We didn't exchange any words but looking into each other's blushing faces both leaning into the same as many amazing kisses. I intertwined my hands with his cold ones. The necklace he gave me started glowing just like the moon had. We continued to ignore the bright light coming from my neck, shutting our eyes tighter. We let our hands slide apart and I pulled him closer by wrapping my hands around his neck and jack grabbed my waist. Tangling my tongue around his and in doing so the light from the Cristal seemed to grow. We broke and breathed for the air we needed.

"The necklace is glowing." Jack breathed out.

"I noticed but I was occupied." I winked at him then looking down.

"Wonder what it means?" I questioned myself.

"The others have been trying to work this all out for the past few days." I nodded knowing that they wouldn't have found anything. I looked outside to see the moon rising and seeing the dim light from the sunset.

"I should make dinner."

"Or we could just stay here." He smirked at me and pulled me closer. I pulled back.

"I'm going to make dinner." I walked past him and saw him pout.

"You're no fun."

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