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"Achooo." I have a light cold, normally this wouldn't happen but being outside in little clothing my body just couldn't take it.

"See what did I tell you!" Mum yelled from the other side of the table.

"And again I said I was just getting some shoes that I left outside."

"Then why were you so wet from the snow." I slouched back ignoring her constant blabbering, I'm not that sick. It was Sunday night and I did nothing all weekend. apart from repeating the scene from friday night, I made out with a guy I don't even know. IT's been bothering me and I haven't seen him since but I must admit he was a good kisser.

"I'm going to have a shower." I exited the dining room and went upstairs.

I shut the door of my room and fell to my bed. I let out a groan.

"Why school." And as if on cue my phone started to ring.

"What do you want Sarah?"

"Why can't your best friend call?" My face went blank.

"You want the answers to the maths questions don't you." She started to laugh a little.

"What am I going to do with you."

"Nothing I forgot."

"yeah just like last week... Fine, I'll send you the answers but next time nag someone else."

She squealed on the other end of the line, I had to turn down the volume on my phone. I let out a sigh hanging up taking a photo of the answers.

"Hey (Y/N)." I jumped.

"Oh, it's just you jack." I sat down on my bed shocked.

"Haha, you get scared easily." I pouted and turned my head. I felt him come closer and he held my hand.

"I-uh talked to the other guardians and they said before anything else to umm ask if you would be my girlfriend." I looked up at him and smile before nodding, he went...... um how would you put it.... insane no more like crazy. He picked me up and spun me around hugging me in the air. Not soon after stopping still holding me in the air looking at me with a huge grin on his face. I smiled back. Again for the second time, it started snowing in my room. I looked up.

"You know I would never have guessed I would date a winter spirit."

"Is that a bad thing." He fake frowned and put us back on the ground.

"Far from it." Before I could speak again his hands made their way to the sides of my face and he passionately kissed me. The kiss lasted for who knows how long but I felt the moon shine on us. Moving his hand down to my waist and mine to his neck. Slowly we came to a stop.

"(Y/N) what happened to having a shower!" Mum's voice echoed through the house. I let go of jack and turned my head to the bathroom door.

"You can wait out here if you want while I have my shower." I sighed walking over to the bathroom.

"Yeah sure."

I closed the door thinking over what just happened, Ok so I'm dating a winter spirit and I can't tell anyone because they would believe. I was overthinking again like always. I turned the hot water on and got undressed.

The shower was nice and I think my cold was gone after that. I walked back out in a big hoodie. Jack was looking through one of my drawing books. I blushed when I saw the picture he was looking at. I snatched it from his hands.

"Hey, I was looking at that." I put it back on the shelf.

"Yes but it's a bad drawing." I sat on my bed.

"Are you kidding me, that was an amazing drawing of me." This only made me blush more. I turned my head to hide it but failed, he walked over and poked my forehead.

"Don't hide such a talent." Jack grabbed his staff off the ground.

"It's getting late I should get going."

I ran behind and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you."

he turned around as we continued the embrace.

We stayed in the same spot for so long I lost count. Adventurly I looked up at him, he bent down and quickly kissed me before letting go.

"Can we meet up after you finished school tomorrow?"

I nodded and walked him over to my window.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

And with that he left. 

jack frost x readerWhere stories live. Discover now