I couldn't think of a title^o^(With lime)

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It was like nothing happened, everything was normal for a whole week, other than the normal stress of exams. I kept of turning my head expecting someone to be there. Except nothing would happen. I slouched on my desk staring out the window where Daniel and Jack were playing. I groaned and stood up looking at the time. I need to make dinner. But pizza sounds nice. Picking up the phone I ordered the pizza and went back to studying for another half an hour. I think I fell asleep sometime during that because I hear a knock on my window. Jack was pointing down at the door. I grabbed the money for the pizza and ran down.  I paid for the pizza.

"Yay pizza!" Daniel yelled running past me and the delivery boy so the guy bumped into me. 

"Sorry about him." I sighed and stood back he blushed and nodded. Before anything else was said a snowball hit him on the back of his head.  I held in my laugh again as he turned around.

"And sorry about him too." I smiled still laughing a little. Jack stood next to me and shut the door.

"Could you be any more rude." I rolled my eyes at him.He only frowned.

"Did you not see the way he was looking at you?" I nodded.

"But it doesn't matter now does it. Because if you haven't forgot you're my boyfriend." I poked his forehead and walked into the other room placing the boxes down on the coffee table. I grabbed the plates from the kitchen and saw Daniel already eating. 

"Hey wait for the rest of us!" I shouted pointing at him. 

"s-sorry." He said poorly due to the fact his mouth was stuffed with pizza. Sitting next to Jack Daniel started the movie. I ate the pizza watching the cartoon play.

Time skip 2 hours

"Cya Daniel." I waved as him and his mum went down the stone steps of my house. I walked up stairs where I assummed Jack would be. He sat on my window sill looking out at both Daniel and his mum going inside their house. 

"What you doing?" I said standing next to him. He looked back at me and weakly smiled.

"Nothing." He simply said I tilted my head as I watched him sit on my bed. I walked over and stood above him.

"Are you alright, you've been acting strange since the pizza guy was here." I sat right next to him. 

" Yeah I just realised something." Jack turned and faced me touching his forehead with mine.

"And what would that be?" I whispered at him. 

"That I never want to let you go." Holding my hands with his cold ones I couldn't help but smile and blush at the same time.

"And that I love you....But you already know that." He smiled again. I nodded and teared up a little. Shuting my eyes and kissed him with so much emotion and passion. I pulled back and grinned at him.

Lime coming up

"And you know that I love you." and that was his turn to kiss me back, it had seemed like time had stopped. I shut my eyes tight melting into the kiss. But this one didn't stop. His hands moving up to my hair so I moved closer to him and mine placed on the base of Jacks neck. I opened my mouth so Jack could place his tongue in my mouth. I held onto his hoodie tighter, he slowly placed his hands on my back so he could place me down on the bed. Moving to the side of my neck his cold frosty lips kissed away at the skin, cooling down the heat that was on my neck. A light moan excaped me and made me move my hand to the back of Jacks neck making him move closer. A sharp pain was on the spot Jack was and I knew a bruise was going to show. He moved back and stared down at me panting. 

"Last time this happened I forsed it apon you, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry." I shook my head and quickly kissed him.

"You have nothing to aplogise for Jack." Kissing him again he continued to move his hands down to the base of the top I was wearing.

" Kissing him again he continued to move his hands down to the base of the top I was wearing

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(Your not wearing the shoes or socks. Just the shirt and shorts.)

His cold finger tips grazed across my stomach making me moan in the kiss. Moving up my stomach towards my bra making every inch of me shiver. 

To be continued.................

Yeah I know I suck but I can't have a crazy long chapter. I needed to update ok!

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