Inner battles

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We all have battles inside that we don't want to show
But sometimes, you don't have a choice, ya know?
We're all fighting a civil war that you know nothing about
So, you have no rights to shout
When it comes to us, there is no doubt
There is no doubt that were fighting a war
There is no doubt that were going to win for sure
There is no doubt about our inner battles
But if I share with you what goes on in my mind, please don't tattle
I shared it with you because I trust you with all of my heart
And if you share something you shouldn't, it'll tear us apart
So, keep what I say to yourself, please?
Because I want to keep the peace

So, inner battles are fought every day
And saying to anyone you're not fighting is not okay
I mean, the people who don't fight the fight
Shouldn't say something like that if they themselves don't experience what helps us take flight
Because, although we do have battles we fight every day, and although they are hard
They help us grow differently from the crowd that doesn't have a battle to fight and that may tear you apart
So, be glad you're fighting a battle even if it's hard as hell
Because you're fighting even when nobody can tell
And you're fighting something no one else does; it helps you grow
So, please be happy that now you are doing what nobody knows

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