I killed

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Whom did I kill, you ask?
Well, answering that isn't a hard task
I killed someone off a long time ago
And if you don't know whom, I'll tell you soon, so...

I took the figurative gun and killed that person
Even though it isn't true, it still feels like it is
Because I killed a person, and, of that, I'm guilty
I killed someone off like this:

I killed someone with the snap of my finger and then they were gone
They made me kill them and that feeling is no fun
I feel bad that I did it, but what can I do?
Sit guilty on a chair in court and "enjoy the view"?

I won't enjoy the view, and that's for sure
Because who likes courts anymore?
I sure don't and I think neither do you
So I won't "enjoy the view"

I killed someone very close to me
I killed someone no one can see
I killed the me that once was
Once I was diagnosed with a disease, I left on a huge bus

I left to never come back
I don't want to bring that version of me back, but I want to go back on track
It's very hard when all I know is the me I am now and not the me that was
But that me, left on a huge bus

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