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I was born naive until I met you
You gave me all you got and I got hurt too
I'm not sure why, but I didn't know then
That I was being bullied, yet again

I think it's high time you took a step down from that imaginary throne of yours
And finally apologize and say you're done, for sure
Done with the bullying and hurting others
Aren't we, after all, sisters and brothers?

I learnt the hard way what it meant to be bullied
I don't wish it on anyone; even those who made my heart tear and bleed
Even if they did that to me, I still don't wish it on them
Like I said before on previous poems, I'm the true gem

The reason they bully is because they feel low inside
And, instead of being nice, they look like they're full of pride
I'm not sure why; maybe because they've been told it's best to act this way
But I know the truth; it is not okay

So, to all you bullies out there:
I think you need to admit to yourself that you truly care
If that doesn't work, I'm so sorry to hear
But don't go bullying people anywhere

The Inner Critic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now