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Gaius, Merlin and Bree looked over at the door when someone knocked on it, Bree instantly turning invisible.
"Come in," Gaius called. Arthur opened the door and walked into the room, crossing his arms.
"So, Merlin," he said. "Where have you been for the last, oh, four days?"
"Uh..." Merlin stammered, trying not to focus on the floating knife he wasn't moving. "I was..."
"Merlin," Arthur interrupted. "Choose your next words very carefully."
"Uh..." Merlin continued, glancing between Arthur and the knife, which was getting closer to Arthur. "I was in...in the forest. Yeah. I was in the forest, and I was helping look for the escaped sorcerers, and one of them hit me on the head and knocked me out, and I didn't wake up for a couple days, and it took me a day to walk back." Arthur raised his eyebrows.
"Really?" he said. "That's the best excuse you can come up with?"
"Well, it's not really an excuse," Merlin said, scratching the back of his neck as the knife started moving towards Arthur's neck. "Uh, Arthur?"
"Look, I am not listening to you anymore!" Arthur snapped. "I am done dealing with your stupidity, and I-" He stopped talking. There was a knife pressed to his throat, and he didn't want to talk for fear of being killed. Gaius and Merlin watched in humor as Arthur tried to figure out what was happening.
"Arthur Pendragon," Bree's voice said. "You need to stop being a stuck-up prat and be nice to Merlin for once. He deserves a lot more than you give." Merlin chuckled to himself and got a glare from Arthur.
"Who are you?" Arthur snapped.
"I'm not telling," Bree replied. "But I'll kill you if you don't promise not to harm the three sorcerer kids. They didn't do anything wrong. They were wronged by you."
"How did I wrong them?" Arthur snapped.
"You condemn their kind and try to kill them," Merlin chimed in. "They might be mad." Arthur sighed.
"Fine," he snapped. "I won't harm them, if you don't harm me, whoever you are."
"Great," Bree said, taking the knife away from Arthur's throat and appearing behind him, crossing her arms. "Boo." Arthur turned around and jumped in surprise, grabbing the hilt of his sword.
"You're one of them!" he snapped.
"Mmhm," Bree said with a smirk. "Surprised, pretty boy?"
"I should just kill you right now!" Arthur yelled, drawing his sword and slashing at Bree at the same time. Bree used her super speed and ran to the side, nicking Arthur on the arm as she did so. Arthur yelled in surprise and frustration.
"Good luck with that," Bree replied, twirling the knife in her fingers.
"Look, Arthur, they're really not all bad," Merlin said, walking over to him. "Bree's a bit temperamental, but Adam and Chase are actually quite lovely, although Adam is a bit dull."
"That's the understatement of the year," Bree scoffed, sheathing the knife in her belt. "Look, Artie, you can't beat us. You can't even beat me. You might as well be our friend."
"You slashed me on the arm!" Arthur yelled.
"I did not," Bree retorted. "I barely cut you, you wussy."
"Okay, guys," Merlin said, stepping between them before anything happened. "Bree's got a point. They won't hurt anyone on purpose if you don't give them a reason to."
"We really won't," Bree said, shaking her head. "We're considered heroes where we're from."
"Well, here you're considered criminals," Arthur snapped.
"Come on, Arthur," Merlin pleaded. "Just give them a chance. Anything you want to prove themselves." Arthur relaxed and crossed his arms.
"Fine," he said. "They can prove themselves in a tournament in three days. If they can prove themselves to be honorable in battle, they can stay."

Don't Forget Me (A completed Merlin/Lab Rats crossover)Where stories live. Discover now