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Bree ran through the forest, looking for any sign of Morgana or Chase. She stopped when she saw smoke curling up from what looked like a hill, walking over to it and realizing it was a chimney. She ran down the hill and around it, staring at the door and windows cut out of the side. She had done it. She cautiously set her hand on the door handle, then pushed it. The door creaked as it opened, and she flinched, knowing Chase would've heard in the otherwise silent environment. She slowly walked into the room, ready to run if need be. It was earthy and primitive at its core, with roots dangling from the roof, but it was more central to the time period in decor, with a fireplace harboring a cauldron and shelves of jars filled with various objects and liquids Bree didn't really want to touch. There was a bed on the other side of the room, with someone lying down on it. She turned towards it, but was blasted backwards through the door by a concussive wave. She grunted in pain when she hit the ground, her wrist striking it at an odd angle. She scrambled to her feet and turned invisible, moving silently to the right to try and hide her position. Chase walked out of the house, looking around, his bionic eye glowing teal in certain parts as he did so. His gaze eventually landed on Bree and he quickly held his hand up and brought it down, a tree branch snapping above her and almost hitting her, causing her to run to the side and give away her position. Chase activated his laser staff and ran at her, aiming a whack at her head. Bree ducked and ran forwards, plowing into Chase and throwing him over. Chase used the momentum to roll back, and then forwards again to jump to his feet, starting at her with blank green eyes.
"You insolent girl," he said in his part Morgana voice, most of it hers. "You never should have come."
"Give me back my brother!" Bree yelled, turning visible again since there was no use in wasting her energy on staying camouflaged.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," Chase replied. "I'm using his body as a vessel for my soul as my body recovers from an almost fatal wound dealt by your precious Gwaine."
"Guess I'll have to congratulate him once I get back," Bree said.
"You won't get back," he replied, dropping his staff and holding his hand out, waving it sharply to the side and snapping Bree's head sideways, slamming it into a tree and knocking her out. "I have use for you as well."

Don't Forget Me (A completed Merlin/Lab Rats crossover)Where stories live. Discover now