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Merlin rode with Gwaine on patrol, chatting as they searched for where Morgana, Bree and Chase were.
"I wonder how hard this is to handle for Arthur," Gwaine said. "I mean, he's sort of had to forsake all of his previous beliefs and try to accept the siblings, and now he's lost two of them to his sister."
"It must be complicated at the least," Merlin agreed. "He's strong, though. He can handle it."
"Well, I know that," Gwaine said. "I was just saying, maybe we should go easy on him for a while."
"I doubt he'd appreciate that," Merlin said. "He'd probably think that we think he's going soft."
"Good point," Gwaine said. "Well, let's just do what he says unless it's really stupid."
"Sounds good to me," Merlin agreed, nodding. Suddenly Gwaine stopped, holding his hand up to signal Merlin to do the same. When Merlin stopped, he pointed over to the smoke curling up from seemingly nowhere. Merlin dismounted and Gwaine did the same, and they both headed towards the smoke. Gwaine drew his sword, holding it out in front of him as Merlin followed. They both hid behind some trees to survey the scene, both of their eyes widening when they saw the little house in the side of the hill, smoke curling out of a makeshift chimney.
"That has to be her," Gwaine whispered. "Who else would live in the middle of the woods?" He walked out of cover and headed towards the house, Merlin following him.
"Be careful," he hissed.
"I am," Gwaine hissed back as he almost tripped over a rock, only being able to collect himself because Merlin grabbed the back of his chain mail and pulled him back.
"No, you're not," Merlin replied, taking the lead and leaving Gwaine giving him an angry look before following and mumbling something about troll brains. They both ended up on either side of the door together.
"So, what's the plan?" Merlin asked.
"I go in, attack, and you wait here in case someone tries to escape," Gwaine replied. Merlin nodded and Gwaine stepped in front of the door, raising his foot to kick it in. Before he could, though, the door blew backwards and knocked Gwaine over, flying over him and landing with a crack on the ground.
"Gwaine!" Merlin yelled, running over and grabbing the sword on the way to help his friend up. Before he could, though, he was thrown backwards as well, losing his grip on the sword. Chase stepped out of the hut, looking gaunt and disheveled and barely able to stand on his feet, his eyes slightly sunken into his head. Despite his obvious physical disadvantages, he was grinning evilly, his eyes glowing a vibrant green.
"Did you really think you could trick me that easily?" Morgana said through him, what little voice of his own left sounding rough and hoarse.
"What have you done to him?" Gwaine asked firmly, getting up.
"That's none of your business," Morgana replied harshly. "Now, I suggest you surrender before anyone gets more injured."
"We aren't going to," Merlin said, getting up and picking up the sword. "Release Chase, and Bree if you have her, or we'll fight for them."
"You'd fight against Chase for his life?" Morgana laughed. "That sounds like a wonderful plan to me."
"Same here," Gwaine said, running over to Chase and tackling him, pinning him down. "Go, Merlin!" Merlin ran into the house, looking around for anyone.
"Bree?" he called, searching around everywhere. He rounded a corner, and there she was, tied to a spit over a fire, facing down towards it and unconscious. He ran over to her and used magic to lift her off, setting her gently on the floor before kneeling beside her and using the sword to cut through the ropes binding her to the pole. He could hear Gwaine and Morgana exchanging threats outside, and he wished he could help more. He picked up Bree and ran out of the house.
"GWAINE!" he yelled.
"One minute," Gwaine said, fighting to keep Chase from moving under him. Suddenly Chase screamed as himself, the sound silencing the whole woods. Merlin stopped instantly and whirled around, and Gwaine backed off in surprise. Chase was no longer fighting, instead he was curled up on the ground, his face contorted in pain and his whole body shaking, his hands twisted into claw shapes.
"What're you doing to him?" Gwaine yelled. No response, only more screaming. Merlin and Gwaine watched for the full five seconds it lasted, flinching when Chase abruptly stopped screaming and went limp.
"I told you someone would get hurt if you didn't surrender," Morgana said through Chase, even more prominent than last time. Chase forced himself to his feet, shivering and breathing raggedly through his mouth with his shoulders drooping and his arms at his sides, hunched over. "I doubt he can go on like this much longer." Merlin stared at Chase in sadness and fear, barely able to keep himself from crying.
"Why are you doing this?" Gwaine asked.
"You mortally wounded me in our last battle," Morgana explained. "I was forced to use magic to drain the life from him. To save a life, you must sacrifice one. That's how magic works. Ask Arthur if you want an example." Merlin's eyes narrowed after she said that, and his grip on Bree tightened slightly.
"What do we have to do to please you?" he snapped. "What do you want in exchange for them?"
"Oh, Merlin," Morgana purred, shaking Chase's head and smiling his mouth wide. "So noble. I wish I could let you help, but there's nothing you can give. Only Arthur can give me what I want."
"The throne," Gwaine said firmly. "Which you'll never get."
"We'll see about that," Morgana said. Chase held his hands out and then yanked them back, pulling Gwaine and Merlin forwards. They both yelled, flailing around for a couple seconds before landing head-first on the ground, knocked out. "Arthur will do anything for his precious friends."

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