Jonathan Ross

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~~~~Next Day~~~~


Yesterday, after Niall and I left the London Eye we walked around London. We met some fans and took photos with them. I love meeting fans. 

But today the girls and I are on the Jonathan Ross show. I'm in a lot of pain. I ripped some of my stitches and skin. I'll tell you how.

Cassidy was running away from Cassidy, and I was coming back from the toilet. She called my name and I put out my right arm, thinking I was just going to high five her, but no. She grabbed my arm and pulled me, but I stayed still. So, as my body turned quickly, with the fast motion the stitches came apart pulling some of my skin with them. But not all of them, just one or two.

"Here, take this," Tom says walking over with some pills in his hand and a water bottle in the other. I wipe my eyes, to get rid of the tears and take the stuff from his outstretched arms. 

I pop the pills in my mouth and take a drink. I tilt my head back and swallow the two pills at the same time. I have another drink of water. 

"How are you feeling?" Sally softly says walking over. Tom walks off and Sally sits next to me.

"Ouch," I sniffle. Sally puts an arm around my shoulders and rubs it.

"You have the choice," she begins. "If you're in that much pain you don't have to go on, but if you want to leave and go to hospital, that's fine. It's your choice," Sally says. I stay quiet for a moment thinking. 

"I'll go on," I whisper. 

"Are you sure?" Sally questions. I nod. 

"I'll be fine, I'm a tough cookie," I say and manage a weak smile. Sally stands up and offers her hand to me, I take it and slowly pull myself up. I wince in pain.

"Let's get you off to hair and makeup," she says. I nod and walk away. 

Back in hair and makeup, I quickly change into dress, the other one got blood on it. This one is a short cobalt blue dress. The top part of the dress is covered in blue sequins. The back is open, apart from a bow. I have some black ballet flats on my feet.

Makeup is quickly put on my face. I'm wearing foundation, bronzer, mascara, a thin pair of false eye-lashes, eye-liner, some silver eye-shadow in the inner corner of my eyes, and some pale pink lipstick on my lips. Some of my fringe at the front is teased back and poofed up, then the rest of my hair is pulled in a ponytail which is curled. 

I just manage to get there in time before we have to walk on. Lucy gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before we walk on. The pain killers have started to kick in. I fake a smile as we walk on. 

"Welcome girls," Jonathan Ross greets us. We sit down on the couch. Cassidy is closest to him, then Lucy, then me, then Charlie and lastly Maddy. "Before we begin, did you hear that really loud crying backstage? Do you know who that was?" He asks, my cheeks heat up. The girls' head's slowly turn to my direction. 

"Sorry," I apologise looking at him. 

"Was that you?" He asks shocked. I nod. "What happened?" He questions concerned. 

"Some of my stitches came out and pulled my skin with it," I say and manage a weak smile. Jonathan opens his mouth to day something, but he's cut of by Cassidy. 

"Did it pull some of your skin as well?" Cassidy asks looking at me. I nod. 

"What did you do Cassidy?" He asks. Cassidy's head slowly turns back to face him. 

"Well, I was running past her and she put her arm. I thought it was to grab it and run together, but it wasn't," Cassidy summarizes then looks down. 

"And you pulled our her stitches instead," he says and the audience chuckles. "Ok, moving on," Jonathan says. 

"Good idea," I say. Let's just say those pain killers have kicked in and my head is all like whooo. Jonathan gives me weird look then shrugs his shoulders. 

"So you girls have just come off your Australasia tour, how did that go?" He asks. 

"It was so much fun," Charlie replies. 

"What was the craziest that happened? How who did it happen to?" Jonathan questions. We look at each other before we decide. We have this thing where we can understand each other by just looking at each other. 

"When someone threw a tampon at my head," Maddy replies. The crowd laughs. "I mean, you will get that with boys but when a girls throws that a girl, it really weird," she adds. 

"Yeah," Jonathan Ross agrees. "How is it traveling when you have boyfriends back home?" He asks. "I have a question for you Lily, so don't say anything," he quickly adds making the audience chuckle. 

"Well, I guess its hard," Lucy replies. I raise an eye-brow. Lucy doesn't have a boyfriend. 

"Since when did you have a boyfriend?" I ask confused. 

"Oh yeah," Lucy says, looking sheepish. "About that," She adds. 

"Lou Lou has a boyfriend!" Cassidy cheers and throws her arms around Lucy. Lucy frowns and shoves Cassidy off her. Jonathan raises an eye-brow. 

"Ok, moving on," He says. "So, I know you girls get hate, but Lily do get some from the Directioners?" He asks. 

"I think so," I reply looking at him. "I don't really read them, I just look at the positive ones," I add smiling. 

~~~~Next Day~~~~

Once the interview had finished, the pain killers had begun to stop working. The pain was coming back. I quickly get changed into my sweats and leave. I'm taken to the hospital by Tom.

At the hospital, I get the same doctor that I had last time. I had to go in for a operation to the old stitches removed and new ones in. Once I woke up I was in a hospital room. By my side was Niall waiting for me with a smile on my face. I was allowed out with some stronger medication.

On our way back home I tell Niall about the interview, even though he was watching it. On the way back we took a detour to Nando's. Niall got takeaway so we could eat it at home. 

When we got home we ate our Nando's and watched a movie. I chose Pitch Perfect. I like that movie a lot. Rebel Wilson is so good in that movie. After that one, Niall put in Finding Nemo. I fell asleep half way through it. 

I have a day off today. Since I was at the hospital last night, Management didn't make me go to the book signing today. I feel really bad about it. I open Twitter and begin a Tweet. 

@LilyDown: Sorry I wasn't at the book signing today :( I would of been there if i could go, but no

I smile as I send the Tweet. Niall walks back into the room eating something. As he gets closer I see its frozen pizza. I raise and eye-brow as he sits down. 

"Why are you eating frozen pizza?" I ask looking at Niall. I stretch my legs over his lap and he sends me a look.

"It's cooked," Niall says. I roll my eyes and giggle. 

"Do I make better pizza?" I ask and begin to play with Niall's hair. I like it when he hasn't styled it because I can run my fingers through it easier. 

"Of course," Niall replies. 

"Good," I say smiling. I take the pizza out of Niall's hand and take a bite. I screw my face up in disgust. "I swear that's off," I spit. I scrape my teeth along my tongue to get rid of the nasty taste. 

"I thought something about it didn't taste right," Niall says and takes the pizza off me. I watch as Niall shrugs and takes another bite. I shake my head and smile.

I can't believe this is the boy I fell in love with. 

a/n: hope you liked this chapter. i have to go to this stupid awards night at school for like three hours. it begins at 7, the same time something big is happening in my favourite t.v show :( they give out awards to all the year 8,9,10,11,12's. so annoying, and i;m not even getting an award. anyway, link for lily's outfit >>>>> vote, comment, fan

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