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After that cute moment Niall and I had on the balcony we stayed out there and talked for a bit then we ordered room service and watched a movie. I feel asleep during the movie, but I woke up when Niall was putting me to bed. He just kissed my forehead and I went back to sleep. 

Today I’m going to see the boys show. It’s weird because its in the middle of the day. Oh well, its good because Niall said he’s going to take me out on a date this evening. But he won’t tell me where and it’s killing me. 

Niall said that it’s safer for me to hang backstage while the boys perform, and he also said that El’s coming so I’ll have someone to hang out with. That means I don’t have to dress up and I can go in casual clothes. 

So, today I’m wearing a white jumper that says ‘Cool story babe (Now go make me a sandwich)’ then it has a clipart picture of a sandwich, leggings, and white Vans. My hair is in a high pony tail and I haven’t bothered with makeup. 

But right now, we’re all chilling in the dressing room waiting for the boys to go on. El is here, as well as Sophia. She keeps giving me dirty looks, but I brush them off. 

Everyone else is having an open conversation, but Niall and I are lying on the floor in each other’s arms talking to each other. We’re having a private conversation. Well, it’s not all that private, its just me asking where we’re going tonight and him saying that he’s not going to tell me. 

“Niall, can you let me go?” I ask trying to get up. Niall’s grip tightens. 

“Never!” Niall yells, drawing the attention to us. 

“But I wanna talk to El,” I say trying to push his arms down. 

“You have to say the password to get out,” Niall replies. I roll my eyes and do a long, heavy sigh. 

“Niall is the craic daddy weyhey,” I reply. Niall smiles and kisses my nose and lets my get up. 

I stand up and walk over to Eleanor. I sit down next to her on the couch. She taps something on her phone then puts it down. She looks at my with a cheeky grin on her face. I raise an eyebrow but don’t get to say anything because my phone chimes and so does Niall’s.

I stand up and walk over to get it. I pick my phone up off the table and look at it. I see that my notification is that Eleanor had tagged me in an Instagram post. I look up giving El the death stare, but she just smiles. 

I unlock my phone to check what it is. The app instantly opens up and takes me to the post. I see that El has posted a video of me and Niall. I play the video. She’s taken it when I had to say the password to get out of El’s arms. 

“Seriously?” I ask her walking back over to the couch. 

“Why are walking so funnily?” Sophia asks in a bitchy tone making the room fall silent. 

“Do you not see my knee brace?” I question pointing down to it. 

“Yeah, but why are walking so funnily?” She repeats her questions. I sigh.

“Maybe its because I fell of my unicorn and landed on a leprechaun's pot of gold and it hurt my knee,” I say in a sarcastic tone. Niall bursts out laughing behind me. I can see the others trying to hold back their laughing. 

“Why did you give me a sarcastic answer?” Sophia asks. I sigh heavily. 

“Why did you ask a stupid question?” I answer back sassily. Sophia goes to open her mouth but then shuts it again. I sit back down on the couch next to El. There’s silence until Paul walks into the room. 

In This Life (Niall Horan Fan-fic (book 1))Where stories live. Discover now