Surprise Trips

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~~~3 Days Later~~~


I’m so happy! I got my stitches out yesterday! I can actual clean myself. But the doctor said no showers, just yet, well not until I feel I’m ready. But there’s nothing wrong with a nice, relaxing, warm bath. Just the hard thing is getting in and out, good job I have Niall. 

Speaking of Niall, he won’t tell me where we’re going. But we’ve packed up some stuff, like clothes, food, and our guitars. Now we’re in his car driving off somewhere. And he won’t tell me where we’re going. 

We’ve spent quite a long time in the car and I want to get out and stretch my legs. I’ve already tried sleeping, I slept for a couple hours, but we’re still going. Niall with a small grin on his face every time I ask ‘Are we there yet?’ or ‘Where are we going?’. 

“Are we going on holidays?” I ask Niall looking at him. Niall laughs. 

“You could say that,” Niall replies not giving away much. I roll my eyes. 

“Does it involve an airport?” I question getting my hopes up that we’re going somewhere romantic. 

“No,” Niall says. 

“Damn!” I say scrunching my nose up thinking of where we could be going. “Are we going to Fra-”

No,” Niall says cutting me off. I stare at him. “Why would you think we’d be going there?” Niall asks sneaking a quick glance at me. 

“Because its the most romantic city in the world,” I say in a matter-of-fact tone. “But I think that Venice in Italy would be romantic,” I say. 

“Two things,” Niall begins. “One, we can’t be going to France because we would be on the plane and we would have our passports,” Niall says and I roll my eyes. “And Two, why do you think that Venice would be romantic?”

“Well,” I begin, sounding formal. Niall chuckles knowing that I’ll be rambling. “Just think, you and the one you love in one of those water taxis, and the driver singing in the background while we stare into each other eyes. And that, ba-Bam! He pops out a ring,” I reply. Niall laughs at me. 

“You sound like someone describing a lovey dovey movie,” Niall says. I roll my eyes and chuckle. 

“It’s how my cousin’s husband proposed to her,” I reply. I see Niall roll his eyes. 

I lean forward and turn on the radio. I leave it playing quietly and sing along to myself. I stare out the window. We had been driving with nothing around for ages, but now, as we keep driver further and further we get more and more trees. I stop singing. 

“Where are we?” I ask slowly, still looking out the window. 

“My favourite place to write songs,” Niall, finally, replies. But it doesn’t make much sense because all there is, is trees. 

“We’re camping?” I ask confused looking at Niall. 

“Yeah, totally,” he replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes. “I’m just messing with you,” Niall says. 

“Nah, I couldn’t tell,” I say sarcastically. Niall laughs. “But seriously, where is your favourite place to write songs?” 

“Just here,” Niall says as we turn a corner.

Sitting there, was the most beautiful cabin. The lights from inside where already on, since the sky had been getting darker. It looks so cozy, lying there among the trees. The dark grey roof tiles look amazing against the dark wood on the outside of the house. 

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