Cute Surprises

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Guess what? Liam called me the other night. I know right! He called me to say that Niall's been really down lately after some comments on Twitter. So he suggested that I fly out to Paris to see them. Obviously I said yes. 

It works out quite well actually. Lucy got sick so we have some time off. How good is that? Well, not the whole Lucy getting sick but the time off. Liam said that he would pick me up from the airport. How sweet is he?

To meet Liam at the airport, I'm wearing a grey printed shirt that says 'Peace, Love & Rock 'N' Roll', black skinny jeans, a red plaid button up shirt around my waist, and white converse. My hair was nice and curled, but it got a bit messy on the plane so now I have a black beanie that says 'bad hair day'. 

After going through Immigrations, boarder security, and collecting my bag, I walk out and look for Liam. There are a few paparazzi around that are taking pictures of me as I walk around.

Someone taps my shoulder making me jump. I turn around and see Liam standing there, with his arm around Sophia. Niall told me that they were fake dating. 

"Hey Liam," I chirp happily. 

"Hi Lily," Liam says. He takes his arm off Sophia and embraces me in a hug. "I'm glad you came," he says with a smile. 

"Hi Sophia," I say addressing Sophia. 

"Hi," she says coldly. I roll my eyes. 

"There's a car waiting for us outside," Liam says and we begin to walk out. 

Sophia takes Liam's hand and I follow them out of the airport. Right outside is a black van waiting for us. Paul takes my bag and puts it in the boot. Liam and Sophia get in first and I sit in the back. I want to rest because I didn't get any sleep on the flight because I was sitting next to a fangirl. 

I turn on my side and put my legs up. I rest my back on the side of the door. I try to get comfortable by crossing my arms. It just feels weird having them lying on the floor, ok?

Paul turns on the radio. Surprisingly, they've found a radio that plays Western music. And by Western music, I mean the songs that we sing. B the hosts have French accents. 

Eminem's song 'Just Lose It' comes on and I rap along. My voice quiet at first. But I can hear it getting slightly louder as the song goes on. This is the first rap song that I actually learnt all the lyrics to. 

I hear giggling so I pull my beanie up off my eyes. I see Liam's head looking over at me. And he's also got his phone up recording it. I roll my eyes, still rapping, and put my beanie back over my eyes. I finish rapping the song. Liam claps his hands when the songs finishes. 

"Thank you, I'll be here all car ride," I say putting up hands up. Liam laughs and I cross my arms again. I lean down more in my seat trying to get comfy. 

"Don't try to get comfy because we're here," Liam says as the van comes to a stop. I sigh and sit up properly. 

In the elevator Sophia keep staring at me. I lean back on the walls of the elevator and she keeps staring at me. 

"You look really tired," she states. Liam gives her a look. "You have really bad bags under your eyes." I roll my eyes. 

"They're not bags under my eyes, they're reverse smoky eyes, actually," I say in a really sassy tone. Sophia rolls her eyes and sighs. 

I look over at Liam who's trying not to burst out laughing. The elevator doors open and we step out. Liam takes the lead and I follow behind him. Liam stops in front of a door. 

"Ok, this is Niall's room but he's not here right now," Liam informs me. "He's over at Harry's, and Harry is annoying him so he'll leave soon. So, you'll go inside and sit on the couch before he arrives, ok?" Liam adds. 

"That's a good plan, but how do I get in?" I ask. Liam holds up a keycard. "How did you get that?"

"Well, I am Liam Payne," he says. I roll my eyes and take the keycard out of his hands. 

Liam gets a text and pulls out his phone. He unlocks his phone and his eyes go wide. 

"What is is?" I ask confused. 

"Niall's on his way over here," Liam says. "Fast!" He adds. "Harry said something offensive and Niall took it the wrong way." 

My eyes go wide. I quickly put the keycard in and open the door. I wave Liam a goodbye and walk in. I chuck my bag in the room and sit down on the couch and turn on the T.V. I put my leg up on the coffee table and act interested. 

Niall walks into the room, without noticing me. He walks straight onto the balcony and sits down on one of the deck chairs. I watch as he stares out over the city below him, his eyes gazing off into the distance. I decide to get up and surprise him. 

I quietly walk out. He still hasn't noticed me. I creep up behind him. I put my hands over his eyes and he flinches. 

"Guess who?" I say happily. Niall removes my hands from his face. 

"I missed you," he admits looking  at me. I lean down and kiss him passionately. Niall smiles into the kiss making me smile. 

"You were only away for a couple days," I say when we finished kissing. 

"A couple days too long," Niall replies. I giggle at his comment. 

"Do I really have that affect on you?" I ask then wiggle my eye-brows. Niall blushes. 

"Of course you do, babe," Niall says putting his hands on my waist, pulling me down onto his lap. I close the gap between us by kissing his lips.  

"I'm so glad you're here," Niall says breaking the kiss. 

"Me too," I say and peck his lips. "Now Liam tells me you've been doing lately, what's that about?" I ask. Niall sighs and I move over so he has some space. 

"Well, I was reading some comments on Twitter," Niall begins. Uh oh, this can't be good. "There were a lot of fans saying that bad things about us back dating, and it hurts me because I know that they;re all not true, but the fact people have the audacity to say those things," Niall adds tearing up. "It really hurts me because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but the fans..." His voice trails off. 

I see Niall's shoulders begin to shake. I quickly pull him into a hug and let him cry into shoulder. I never knew he was so effected by the hate. I rub his back, trying to soothe him. Niall pulls back after a few minutes. 

"I thought it was the girl's job to cry into her guy's shoulder," I say. Niall manages a weak laugh. "Just don't read the hate, they're cowards with stupid opinions trying to be cool," I add. This time Niall laughs loudly. 

"Thanks babe," Niall says and kisses my lips.

a/n: hope you liked this chapter. i thought it was cute, how liam called up lily, lily went over, then they had a cute moment on the balcony. 

the video that was meant to have the outfit on it doesn't work :| wattpad says its invalid, but if u want to see it, follow this link >>>>




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