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I wake up early the next morning. I want to go over to Niall’s early to wish him a ‘happy birthday’. I can’t be bothered to get changed, so I stay in my pajamas. Which are black sweat pants, a tight pink tank top, and socks. I lost one of my neon green socks when I was sleeping, so I put on one blue sock. And my knotty hair is up in messy bun because I can’t be bothered to do anything with it. 

I grab my present for Niall, phone, keys and walk out the house. Niall’s families' house is only down the roady so I don’t have to worry. As soon as I step outside I which I put on shoes. It rained last night so the ground it wet and therefore my feet are getting wet. 

We were so lucky. The people that own our old house now have put it up for holiday rent so we were able to book it. The only bad thing is that I have to sleep in my old room, with my small bed. 

I knock on Niall’s door and wait for an answer. While I wait I put my phone and keys in my sweatpants pocket. I balance Niall’s present on my right hip because its quite a heavy and big present. 

The door opens and I see Maura standing there. She smiles seeing me there. She looks down at Niall’s present and smiles even wider. 

“Hi Lily,” she greets me. 

“Hey Maura,” I address. She pulls me into a hug, I manage a side hug. 

“Maybe you’ll finally get Niall up,” she says chuckling. I smile. I step inside the house. 

“Maybe,” I say and wiggle my eye-brows. Maura laughs and shuts the door behind her. 

“Lily, you’re socks are wet,” Maura exclaims as we walk into the kitchen. 

“Yeah, I didn’t realise that the floor was wet,” I say. “Morning Chris,” I say and wave to Chris who looks like he’s still half asleep. 

“Morning,” he mumbles, barely acknowledging me. 

“Would you like a cup of tea?” Maura asks me. 

“Yes please,” I reply smiling. “I’ll go wake Niall up,” I say putting my present on the kitchen table. 

I leave the kitchen and walk up the stairs. I wait outside Niall’s room debating whether to go in the yelling or to knock softly. I think knock softly because I don’t know how many drinks he had last night. 

 knock on his door and don’t get a reply. I walkI’ in and see him still sleeping. I quietly shut the door behind me and walk over to his bed. 

I climb onto Niall’s bed and straddle him. He begins to stir with the extra weight on his bed. I place my hands on Niall’s chest and lean down. 

“Happy birthday babe,” I whisper seductively in his ear. I lean back up and look at Niall’s reaction. He looks really happy with himself. I smile to myself. 

“Morning babe,” he says in his husky morning voice, which makes my stomach flip. 

I lean down and kiss him. Niall smiles into the kiss, obviously happy with himself. I pull back and giggle, my face still close to his. Niall kisses me again, passionately. Niall stops kissing my lips to kiss my neck, going up to my ear, then back down again. 

Niall flips us over, so he’s on top of me and I’m wrapped up in his sheets. Niall rests his forearms on each side of my face, leans down and kisses me. We didn’t break this kiss until we had to pull away to breathe. I run my hands up and down his bare chest. 

Niall goes to take off my tank top but I shake my head. I’m not letting it get any further when his family is around. You only make that mistake once... If you’re a normal person, but for me, you make that mistake four times. 

“Maybe later,” I whisper. Niall smiles and kisses me again. 

I keep running my hands up and down his chest. We’re so engrossed with each other that we aren’t aware of whats happening around us. 

“Am I interrupting something?” Maura asks. 

Niall quickly rolls off me. I can feel my cheeks heating up and going red. I sneak a glance at Niall. His cheeks are flushed as well. Maura winks at us then smiles. 

“Your tea is ready,” she grins then walks out the room, shutting the door behind her. 

That was so awkward. I feel so embarrassed. Maura has known me my whole life, and  I would of never thought that she would catch me doing that with her soon. Oh, I’m so embarrassed. 

I look at Niall and he looks at me. At the same time we both crack up laughing. I curl up and roll on to Niall a bit. 

“Oh my God!” I exclaim, our giggling subsided a bit. “That was so embarrassing.” I sit up and cross my legs. 

“At least we weren’t actually doing it,” Niall says.

“Yeah,” I agree. “Good job I shook my head,” I add. Niall sits up beside me. “But, happy birthday,” I say smiling. 

“Thanks babe,” Niall says leaning forward and kissing me. 

“Maybe we should go downstairs,” I say breaking the kiss.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Niall says. 

I get off Niall’s bed. He takes my hand as we walk downstairs. When we walk into the kitchen Maura is smirking at us, making me go red again. I look down at the ground. 

“I think we’ll give you two the house for a while,” Maura says as we sit down. She slides a plate of pancakes over and my mug of tea. 

“Thanks,” I say. Maura gives me a look thinking I said thanks for giving us the house to ourselves. “For breakfast,” I quickly add. Niall chuckles beside me and  I jab his chest with my elbow. 

“Let’s go,” Maura says looking at Chris. They get up and leave. 

When I hear the door close and the car drive off, I begin to laugh again. I still can’t believe she caught us doing what we were doing. I’m so embarrassed. 

Niall and I stop laughing to eat our pancakes, which are really good. We stay silent as we eat our food and I drink my tea. When we finish I lean over and grab my present for Niall. I place it in front of him and smile. 

“What’s this?” Niall asks, looking at me. 

“An areoplane,” I reply sarcastically. Niall gives me a look and I smirk. “No, its your birthday present.”

“Babe, you didn’t have to,” Niall says sincerely. 

“Yeah, but I wanted to,” I say mocking all the times he’s said that to me. Niall rolls his eyes.

Niall begins to open his present. I watch as he struggles with trying to rip the corner up. Jokes on him, I put sticky tape everywhere. I try not to laugh to laugh as Niall struggles to open his present. Niall gives up on trying to tear open the corners and moves to middle of the present. He quickly tears it open.

I watch as Niall’s lips turn up. I smile knowing that he liked it. Niall moves the rest of the blue wrapping paper away. Niall looks at me smiling. I know that Niall really likes his present. I got him a really remote control car. 

“Thanks Princess,” Niall says getting up. His eyes shining with joy and a massive grin on his face. 

I get off my chair, standing up. Niall embraces me in a warm hug, resting his chin on top of my head. I never want to leave his embrace, this is so perfect how we are. Niall kisses the top of my head before I look up. Niall smiles again and kisses my lips, passionately.

Since we are alone, its pretty obvious what happened next. 

a/n: hope you liked this chapter. i'll try and update a bit later on today, if not there will probably be a chapter early tomorrow. 




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