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I had finished the song! I’m so happy. All this time I was trying to write a song about how you love the person more then the stars love the night, but its meant to be about how the stars remind you of someone or something when you’re away. 

And I have Niall to thank. Even though the song took me all night and I hardly got any sleep, I’m so happy. I think I finally got to go to bed at 2:30am this morning. So it explains why I woke up at 12 today.

“I’m so happy I finished the song!” I say for like the millionth time today. 

“I’m so happy for you,” Niall says and kisses my forehead. “And I told you that this place was the best for writing songs,” he adds cheekily. I roll my eyes and giggle. 

“And how right you were,” I say.

Niall smiles and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head into his chest. Niall rests his chin on the top of my head and we rock from side to side. 

“I figured it out.” Niall begins singing, making me smile. 

“I figured it out from black and white.

Seconds and hours.

Maybe they had to take some time.

 know how it goes.

I know how it goes from wrong and right.

Silence and sound.

Did they ever hold each other tight

Like us?

Did they ever fight

Like us?” Niall sings making my heart race and my stomach flips.

“You and I.

We don't wanna be like them.

We can make it 'til the end.

Nothing can come between

You and I.

Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us.

No, nothing can come between

You and I.

Oh, you and I.” How I love Niall’s voice when its just him.

“I figured it out.

Saw the mistakes of up and down.

Meet in the middle.

There's always room for common ground.” I don’t think this moment can get any better. 

“I see what it's like.

I see what it's like for day and night.

Never together

'Cause they see things in a different light

Like us.

But they never tried

Like us.

You and I.

We don't wanna be like them.

We can make it 'til the end.

Nothing can come between

You and I.

Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us.” My eyes start tearing up. 

“'Cause you and I...” Niall sings, hitting the high note.

“We don't wanna be like them.

We can make it 'til the end.

Nothing can come between

You and I.

Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us.

No, nothing can come between

You and I.

You and I.

Oh, you and I.

Oh, you and I.

We can make it if we try.

You and I Oh, you and I.” Niall finishes the song, and I’m nearly in tears. 

I don’t clap for Niall. I look up at Niall and he looks down at me. This moment is so perfect. I lean up and kiss him. The kiss is long and passionate. Niall is the most romantic guy I’ve ever been with. When our kiss broke apart, Niall’s face was shinning and his teeth were visible through his wide grin. 

“That was really sweet,” I manage to say. I blink back the brimming tears. Niall smiles down at me. 

“I’m glad you liked it babe,” Niall says sweetly. 

“I don’t think this moment could get any more perfect,” I sigh happily. Niall smiles. 

“I think it would if I popped out a ring, ” Niall says. My eyes go wide.

Is he being serious? My heart pace quickens. Is Niall actually being serious? Niall knows that we have to wait two years minimum for him to ask me to marry him. 

“W-what?” I stutter. Niall laughs.

“I’m just messing with you,” Niall reassures me. I roll my eyes at his joke.

“I hate you.” Niall laughs, knowing that its not true. 

“I know that you want us to wait two years,” Niall says. “That’s why I gave you the Promise Ring. I know that one day we’ll both be ready, and I can’t wait for that day.” Niall smiles. 

My heart pace quickens again. I can’t wait for that day. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Niall, but I’m not ready yet. But I also can’t wait for that day. The day I get to call Niall my husband will have to be one of the best days of my life. 

“And I can’t wait for that day either,” I agree with Niall. Niall bends down and kisses me again. 

a/n: sorry for the super short chapter, but i think it was cute, please say it was cute because thats all that this chapter has. 




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