Chapter 1

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Today was the day that I was finally starting my new school. It was only three weeks ago that I packed up my life in Australia and moved to England and so far, it had been the three longest weeks of my life. I was just so bored. None of my neighbours were friendly. They were just stuck up and judging. I mean, yes, I’m not perfect. My brown curly hair doesn’t always stay in place. My eyes aren’t a pretty blue and my skin isn’t perfect. Instead, I have bright green eyes and light freckles on my nose. If anything, I wish I could change my appearance. Of course, my boyfriend says different. That is, if he’s even my boyfriend anymore.

Moving countries has made things difficult for both of us, but I know we can get through it. We can get through anything, he’s absolutely perfect. His name is Sam.  He’s a little rough around the edges and probably wouldn’t be my parent’s first pick when it comes to guys. His brown hair comes down to his shoulders which contrast against his bright blue eyes. But that’s not what my parents see. No. They see his nose and eye brow piercings and the tattoos on his right arm and they judge him. Just like everyone else. Everyone but me.

And that’s why I didn’t want to move to this damn country in the first place. I don’t know why dad accepted his promotion in England, why couldn’t we just stay in Australia where we were happy? Of course my two older brothers were itching to leave. Bloodly goodie two shoes. I, on the other hand, put up a fight. And as you presumed, I got nowhere. Which leaves me no other choice but to go to this new goddamned school.

I walk through the front gates of the school in my horrible school uniform. My curly hair is up in a messy bun and I’m wearing light makeup. I walk straight to the lockers and find my books and timetable waiting in locker number 23. With a sigh, I collect my books for my first class and close my locker before turning around and walking away to class.

There are people around me everywhere all talking to each other but nobody bothers to say hi or help me out. After walking around for a good five minutes lost, I decide to ask someone for help. I approach a group of four girls crowded in a circle. They look me up and down as I face them. I don’t blame them, they’re beautiful.

I open my mouth to speak but I’m interrupted by the tallest girl.

“What do you want?” She asks as she twirls her hand in her long blonde hair.

“Oh, I’m just, I mean...  I just want to know where room 21 is” I stumble nervously. The four girls look at me in disgust before the blonde one rolls her eyes at me and points to her left.

“It’s down there” She says with a snicker. I thank her quietly and walk away. I can hear the other three girls having a giggle as I walk away but I choose to ignore them.

 I walk down the corridor, finally leaving their sight. Once they can’t see me, I take a sigh of relief and keep walking until I’m once again interrupted.

“You’re going the wrong way” A voice says. I turn around and face the guy who interrupted me. He’s gorgeous. The first thing I see is his green eyes and then his smile. His perfect smile. I find myself perving at him for a good few minutes before Sam’s face suddenly flashes in my mind forcing me to shake the thoughts of this stranger out of my head. He just looks at me confused.

“Are you going to answer?” He asks me.

“Oh yeah. Sorry. But what?” I ask.

“I said you’re going the wrong way. You shouldn’t listen to Rachel.” He tells me. Now I’m the one to look at him in confusion. He reads my confusion and continues, “the girl you asked for directions”.

My mouth forms a little ‘O’ and I look down at the floor to stop myself from perving at him.

“Um, so where do I go then?” I ask him shyly. He doesn’t answer but instead moves a couple of steps closer to me.

“C’mon, I’ll show you the way. I’m Jack by the way.” He says, holding his hand out. I take his hand and shake it, giving him a friendly smile.

“I’m Stella, nice to meet you”. 

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