Chapter 13

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After recollecting myself, Jack and I both decided to get redressed and head back to school. Strangely enough, things aren’t awkward at all between us.

“So, do you always have sex with people on park benches” He asks me. I playfully hit him in the chest.

“Do you have to say that any louder?” I ask him.

“Oh sorry” he says before he starts to scream, “Do you always have –“ He says before I jump to his side and cover his lips.

“Shut up” I warn him still giggling. When I realise he will do as I say I let go of him and continue walking to school. He quickly jogs up to me so we are once again walking side by side. I can feel his gaze on me as we walk but I continue to look ahead.

“So, are you going to answer my question?” He asks me. My mind flashes back to the moment we had sex and I blush immediately.

“No, I’m usually a lot more... reserved” I tell him. He just lifts his eyebrows and laugh. It’s so contagious that it causes me to laugh.

“What?” I ask him.

“I just think it’s funny that the girl who just fucked me on a park bench is telling me she is reserved” He tells me. I just roll my eyes at him.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me Jacky boy” I tease him.

“That’s okay, I know the important things Stella baby” He replies. I practically orgasm as he calls me baby, it’s that hot. 

“Oh yeah, like what?” I ask.

He puts on a cute thinking face as he answers, “Hmmm like the fact that you’re very loud, great in bed and a little bit mental. But then again we didn’t even use a bed. I guess it just proves the mental part”

Once again, I hit him in the chest... Hard. He even winces and rubs his boobs with his hands to comfort himself. I picture myself watching him touch himself and I get turned on. I start to imagine him naked once again but I’m distracted when he starts to talk.

“Ouch!” He says.

“Hey, I am not mental!” I tell him.

“Says the girl that is afraid of wagging yet not afraid to have sex in public! Makes no sense to me Stells” He says with a cute laugh. I want to hit him again but I refrain from doing so knowing that I’m almost at school. Plus, he called me Stells which just kills me. Damn that cute British accent.

I quickly take a check of the time on my phone and realise that third period is just about to start. Perfect timing. We walk into school together, still chatting casually.

“Bet you’re having a wicked time in England” He comments cheekily.

“Whatever you say Jack” I comment back. As I continue walking I notice that Jack isn’t following me.

“You’re going the wrong way silly” He comments behind me. I turn around and face him. I take a quick look right and then left and then back right again. 

“Wait, which way is it to the girls lockers?” I ask him. He gives me a little giggle and shakes his head. He leaves his hands in his pockets as he shrugs casually.

“You tell me” he says. I take a quick look again. I’m certain I was going the right way.

“It’s this way” I say, pointing in the direction I was heading. He walks up to me so that we are standing 30 centimeters away. He leans in so we’re almost kissing.

“You’re right” He says.

“Then why did you tell me I was going the wrong way?” I question.

“So I could do this.” He mentions before he leans in a gives me a quick peck on the lips. With that, he turns around and walks the other direction, leaving me absolutely dumfounded and madly in love with a boy that I just met.

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