Chapter 31

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I sleep like an absolute baby. I don’t know how long I slept for, but the moment I wake up I feel as refreshed as ever. It takes me a moment to process what had happened the last night, but it eventually all catches up to me.

I take a quick look around Jack’s room for Jack but can’t seem to find him anywhere. I get out of bed and walk out of his room. I can hear two people talking to each other so I follow the noise. I walk down the hallway to the door of what looks like a study. Inside, I see both Jack and Finn talking to each other. I stop myself at the door and eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Don’t tell me you did this for me you selfish son of a bitch” Jack accuses.

“She’s just a girl man, are you really going to let her come between us?” Finn replies. My eyes widen in shock and I wonder whether I should go or keep listening. I eventually decide to keep listening.

“Come between us? She’s done nothing!” Jack exclaims before continuing on, “And she’s not ‘just’ a girl”.  

“Yes Jack, she is. So, get over it!” He counters.

“Get over it? Tell me, how the fuck am I meant to get over the fact that you slept with the girl I love!” Jack screams over Finn.

“WHAT?”  I practically scream before I know it. I quickly cover my hand with my mouth realising that I actually said that out loud. A second later, both boys join me in the hall way.

“You... what?” I repeat to Jack and Finn as a tear strolls down my face.

“Just let me explain” Jack says, well at least I think it’s Jack. I just shake my head in disapproval.

“How could you let this happen to me?” I ask him.

“I didn’t know Stella, I swear!” He promises me.

“Didn’t seem that way two seconds ago” I tell Jack.

He shakes his head and reaches for my hand, “I only just found out”.

“When?” I ask him before pulling my hand away from his.

He takes a deep breath, “Yesterday in the ambulance. I really didn’t know Stella and that’s partly why I got so angry and I just had to do something because –“

I quickly interrupt him before he continues to ramble on, “Because what? You supposedly love me. Were you ever going to tell me? Or was I just going to be ‘tired and confused’ my whole life?”

Jack doesn’t answer so I just lift my hands up in frustration, “Right, I got it”.

I turn around and start to walk away.

“No Stella, don’t go!” He begs me but I ignore him. I quickly walk back the way I came. I go past his room and down the stairs. I can hear his footsteps behind me as I leave. I quickly open the door to exit and slam it in his face as he comes behind me. He opens the door and stops me in my path.

“Stella, you have to believe me” He begs me, a tear slowly runs down his own cheek.

“I do believe you. I just, I can’t take this Jack” I tell him.

“Take what?” He replies.

“This!” I say, waving my hands around me. I continue to talk, “The sneaking around, the lies, just everything!”

“So be my girlfriend then? No more sneaking around, I promise” He tells me as more and more tears stream down his face. I shake my head in disbelief. How dare he think that this will just fix all that he’s done.

“Be whose girlfriend? Yours or Finn’s? Or will I be shared with your little sister as well?” I tell him angrily.

“Stella I swear I didn’t know. I would never let this happen. I love you!” He tells me.

“Well, it’s a little too late for that isn’t it now” I reply harshly before I turn and walk away. As I walk away, his voice stops me on my way.

“I thought you loved me?” He asks me.

I turn around one last time, “I do. But someone that loves me back wouldn’t have done this to me.”

With that, I quickly turn around and walk away from the man I love. 

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