Chapter 7

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“So, tell us about Australia” Finn asks me.

I was now sitting with the two twins in a small British restaurant in the heart of London. Apparently they sold the best burgers here, or so they said anyway. Either way it didn’t really matter. I had the best view on the planet. I was sitting across from two extremely hot guys. What more could I ask for?  

“What do you want to know?” I counter back.

“Do you ride kangaroos to school?” Jack chipped in. I giggled at his stupid comment.

“No, we actually ride emus” I said sarcastically, causing him to laugh. Finn cracked a smile but didn’t quite laugh. I could tell immediately that he was the quieter and more serious one of the two of them.

“But seriously, I’ve always wanted to go, what’s it like?” Finn asked again. I gave a little sigh. Thinking about home made my head hurt.

“I miss it. A lot. I guess it depends what state your from but –“ I continued until I was interrupted.

"State?” Jack asked.

“Like Victoria or Queensland” I countered.

“Oh so like Sydney?” He asked with a know it all grin. I gave a little huff.

“No, that’s a city silly.” I say with a giggle. He rolls his eyes dramatically and Finn just looks at us boringly.

“Oh don’t worry, you’ll love England so much more” Jack states knowingly.

“And why is that?”

Jack leans over the table so his face is close to mine. My heart rate suddenly increases dramatically as his body comes closer and closer.

“Cause I live here” He states with a wink before he moves back to sit in his seat. I continue to stare at him. I can feel myself heating up and I’m tempted to take my school jacket off. What is he  doing to do me?

Jack continues to stare back at me and I can feel the sexual tension growing between us. A slight cough from Finn breaks us both from our slightly heated moment. I grab my glass of coke and take a sip from it while Jack makes a passing comment about the food being slow or something like that.

To avoid the awkwardness, I pretend like I need to go to the bathroom.

As soon as I get there, I’m followed in by a group of girls that I’ve seen before. I take a good look before realising that it is the four girls that gave me the wrong directions this morning. I look to the blonde one once again. She just seems to be the leader and if I do remember right, I think her name is Rachel.

She gives me a smug look before saying, “Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but he’s mine so back the fuck off”.

I look at her in shock but then give a little snort to show her that I’m not scared of her.

“I’m not interested in your little boy toys over there. I have a boyfriend already. So get lost.” I tell them .

“Didn’t look like it to me” says another one of the girls. What is with people today and assuming this? First Josie and now her. Am I doing something wrong? This has to stop.

“Well I do. So they’re all yours. You can start your bitch fight with someone else cause I’m not interested” I tell them bluntly before walking straight out of the bathroom.

As soon as I walk out I see Jack and Finn sitting at the table together still. I take a quick look around the restaurant to find the exit. It’s straight in their vision. Fuck.

Having no other choice, I walk straight up to the table where the boys are waiting for me. I don’t even bother to sit down.

“Uhmm I have to go. Pay for my meal, I’ll pay you back another time.” I tell them before turning around.

“What wait Stella” Jack says, but it’s too late cause I’m already out the door.

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