Chapter 45

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“My room. Now” I order Jack. He looks at me angrily and walks upstairs to my room. I can see his little bum wiggling as he walks up the stairs which is cute. But however cute he is, I’m still pissed as hell at him.

The moment I walk into my room, I shut the door behind me.

“What the fuck Jack?” I ask him.

“What do you mean what the fuck? I don’t understand why you’re pissed at me? I’m not the one who cheated on you Stella?” He replies back angrily.

“No, you didn’t! But guess what Jack, you don’t own me and you can’t make decisions for me. It’s my life!” I exclaim. He looks at me confused.

“You’ve got to be shitting me right? This is what you’re pissed at me for? Seriously?” He asks me.

I give him a death stare and he just rolls his eyes. He walks towards my door and stops before exiting.

“You know what Stella, do what you want, I really couldn’t care less” He tells me.

I fire straight back at him, “So you don’t care about me? Thanks Jack, makes me feel so loved.”

He finally gets angry and lets go, “Of course I fucking care about you! But obviously my opinion means jack shit to you.”

I groan in frustration, “I never said I don’t care about your opinion! I just hate people making decisions for me and that includes you”

“Fine! Do whatever the fuck you want then” He says as he lifts his hands up in frustration. He finally storms out my door and runs straight out of my house. I look outside my window and watch his car drive away.

Even though I’m still pissed at him, I also start to feel really guilty. I mean, he only told Sam to leave because he was trying to protect me. But either way, he still had no right to make that decision for me.

Frustrated as hell, I pull out my phone and text Sam.

‘Meet me at my house in 10. S x’

He is prompt to reply and I quickly walk into my bathroom to clean myself up. As soon as I see myself I’m totally shocked. I have sex hair. And I mean bad sex hair. No wonder Sam was so shocked to see me the way he did. Oh god, what have I done.

A few minutes, the doorbell rings and I run to the front door. I’m eager to beat my family to the door as I want to avoid another awkward confrontation. The moment I get downstairs I realise that I’m successful. Instead of inviting Sam in, I just step out and pull Sam by the hand.

“Let’s go for a walk” I tell him.

He does what I say but then stops by his rental car.

“C’mon, I’ll drive us somewhere” He says. I nod and jump in his car.

I finally ask him, “Where are we going?”

I sit and await his answer as he buckles up. I half expect an ambiguous answer but then I remember that I’m not sitting with Jack. Instead, I get a straight out answer by Sam.

“Just a cafe I know” He says. I give him a nod and we drive to the cafe.

Half an hour later we arrive at the cafe. Our drive there was ridiculously silent. None of us spoke a word to each other and at the moment I was fine with that. It was giving me a lot of time to think about him and Jack and where I stood with both of them.

He walks me towards to the ‘cafe’ and the moment we get there I’m unsure about going in. The place looks like shit. And I mean utter shit. The place looks absolutely deserted. Windows are broken and there is no light inside. My stomach churns in fear. Sam puts his arm on my shoulder and leads me in. He takes us to a dark corner and we take a seat.

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