Chapter 61

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Our first night as husband and wife was absolutely perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better night with a better person. Even though I wished we could stay there forever, we both knew that we had to tell both our parents sooner rather than later.

We started off with Jack’s mother. Despite hearing Jack complain and whine the whole trip over to her office, he knew that she deserved to know that her son was married.

The moment we walked up to the receptionist she recognised me.

“Oh, you’re back!” She says pleasantly. I give her a smile and a nod whilst holding Jacks hand. She sees how close we are standing next to each other and automatically assumes Jack to be Rebeccas son. She says, “And you must be Jack? No Finn? God I don’t know, how do you tell the difference?”

I’m suddenly reminded about how I still struggle to differentiate between Jack and Finn. My mind races back to when Finn and I had sex. I frown and push the thought out of my mind.

“It’s hard, trust me” Is all that I say. Jack doesn’t seem to notice that anythings up. He’s too nervous about seeing his mother.

“I’ll call your mum down” She tells Jack. Jack politely nods and we both go to sit on the couch while we wait.

Moments later, the elevator door opens and a very surprised Rebecca comes out. I guess she didn’t expect to see me, let alone Jack again.

She walks immediately up to Jack and tries to hug him. He steps back and hides his body behind mine. Rebecca’s face falls in disappointment for a second but then she quickly hides it and puts a hard face on.

“Jackson, you came to visit me?” She asks hopeful. Jack rolls his eyes and looks away. Now I see why Jack hates me calling him Jackson so much. I’ve never heard her call him just Jack.

When he doesn’t reply to her, she awkwardly says “Lets go to my office”.

We all go to the elevator in silence. Jack deliberately makes me stand between him and his mother. He tries his best to stay as far away from her at all times.

The moment the elevator stops, we all walk to Rebecca’s office. She lets us in first and then closes the door behind us. Jack doesn’t bother to sit down, he obviously doesn’t plan to stay for long. I squeeze his hand to show my support but he doesn’t return it. I look over to him and his eyes are fixated on a photograph. He picks it up off the table and stares at it.

Rebecca notices Jack staring and decides to explain the photo, “You were eight. I took you two the zoo and you thought it was the coolest day ever”.

His jaw tightens up as he looks at the photo of him, Finn and a younger version of his mother. They all look so happy.

Jack dramatically lifts up the photo and then drops it on the floor. The frame immediately cracks and I pull Jack back so that the glass doesn’t flick on to him.

“What the fuck Jack?” I ask him.

He doesn’t answer but instead just stares at his mother in hate. His mother doesn’t say anything. She just looks back at Jack sadly.

“Does that make you feel better?” She asks him. Once again he doesn’t answer. They both stare at each other yet their expressions are the complete opposite of each other. Jack looks like he wants to kill her and she just looks sad.

When neither of them talk, I decide to start up a conversation.

“Jack and I have something to say” I tell her. She looks at me for a moment and sighs before looking at Jack. She looks me up and down.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” She asks me.

The same time I spit out ‘no’ Jack also spits out, “You would be great at that”.

She lets him badmouth her and doesn’t defend herself at all.

I continue talking when none of them do, “Jack and I are married”.

Her face turns into absolute shock. I guess she didn’t see that one coming. Finally, she lets lose and releases her built up anger.

“WHAT?” She screams.

“Jack and I are married” I repeat over to her.

She lifts her hands up in frustration the same way that Jack would, “Oh, I fucking heard you. Are you out of your mind?”

Before I can answer, Jack turns to me and asks, “Can we go?”

I don’t even get a chance to reply to him because Rebecca does it for me, “You’re not fucking going anywhere!”

“Watch me” He says defiantly before he starts to walk away, pulling me along with him. I hesitate but let Jack direct me out. She rushes over to the door and stands in front of us, stopping us from exiting.

“You’re too young to get married. There’s no fucking way that I’m letting this happen” She says.

Jack lifts up his free hand and for a moment I think he’s about to hit her. But he doesn’t. Instead, he flashes his hand in front of her face and directs her vision to his ring finger.

“Too late. And you don’t have a fucking say in what I do” He barks out rudely.

“I am your mother. What you do affects me so you know what Jack, I bloody get a good say in what happens to you” She says to her son. He rolls his eyes at her and she continues, “You’re not getting married!”

“I told you that it’s too fucking late” He spits back out to her.

“But you didn’t get my permission!” She argues back to him.

He shrugs and says, “Don’t need it, I’m eighteen”.

Her face flashes in concern. It’s as if she had forgetten that he was of age. Luckily for me, she doesn’t know that I’m only seventeen and hence underage.

Her hands move up to her face and she cries out, “No. This can’t be happening”

“Well, it is, so deal with it” Jack spits out before he uses his free hand to shove her to the side. He pulls me so that I walk straight past her. Together, we storm out of her office.

I feel sick after all that but I stay strong for Jack’s sake. He tries to pretend like he is okay but I can tell that he is not. I remind him that I love him and he gives me a half hearted smile. I guess it’s better than nothing.

“One down, one to go” He says to me when we have finally exited the building.

“What do you mean?” I ask him.

“Your parents” He reminds me. I immediately feel sick. If that was Rebecca’s reaction, I’m scared for my families. I mean, Jack sees her once a month, if even that. My parents see me every day. Oh God, I’m screwed.

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